
biographers是什么意思 biographers在线翻译 biographers什么意思 biographers的意思 biographers的翻译 biographers的解释 biographers的发音



biographers 基本解释

传记作者( biographer的名词复数 );

biographers 双语例句

1. According to his biographers Serge Toubiana and Antoine de Baecque, Liliane was an unconventionally beautiful young woman, so beautiful that Truffaut had to compete for her attention with his pals Jean Gruault (his future screenwriting partner) and Jean-Luc Godar.

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2. We discover that the great artist was the ultimate spin-doctor; he manipulated his first biographers and skilfully moulded his image as a tortured outsider.

3. Other biographers and scholars have not accepted this account, however; the more common view being that of F. O.

4. Moreover, most saints have left neither writings nor self-portraits, and for knowledge of their lives, their characters and their teachings, we are forced to rely upon the records made by their disciples who, in most cases, have proved themselves singularly incompetent as reporters and biographers.

5. biographers在线翻译

5. Forkel, one of Bach's earliest biographers, tells us that Bach himself was not too happy whenever he had to perform particularly his polyphonic pieces on the harpsichord.

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6. His biographers have conjectured that Hughes's hypochondria began in childhood, with his mother's excessive concern for his health.

7. In many ways he was the ultimate fan, and most of his biographers have commented on his engrossment with sport, but few have explored this topic and its meaning in depth.

8. Years ago, one of Bill Clinton's biographers described his approach to government as a permanent campaign, and it appears to be his wife's preferred form of existence as well.

9. Biographers probe the psycho-dynamics of presidents'personal relationships.

10. Biographers make the mistake of spending too much time worshipping at the altar of their subjects.

11. Modern biographers do not invent such stories.

12. Biographers, journalists and fans got in touch, urging him to release the other 23 hours or to turn them into a book.

13. Who better to compare and contrast these two remarkable men than their remarkable biographers, Walter Isaacson and John Huey?

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14. Biographers tend to be more accurate and objective than autobiographers.

15. So I want to start by asking our biographers: How did you get to know the subjects of your books?

16. Second, truthfulness is the conscience and responsibility of biographers;

17. In the 20th century, more modern biographers tend to give explanation to the hero's personality.

18. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was one of the famous British Romantic novelists, short story writers, dramatists, essayists, as well as biographers in the 19th century.

19. biographers在线翻译

19. The idea that each of us contains many possible selves, patiently waiting to be liberated by circumstance, has long been an attractive one for Proust's biographers, who have drawn attention to the large number of Prousts who seemed to live within the same skin: the reclusive socialite (Proust's most recent biographer in English, Edmund White, describes him as a'playboy-monk'the critic of habit who lived according to strict routines; the sensitive aesthete who became sexually excited by watching caged rats being stabbed with hatpins.

biographers 单语例句


1. Official accounts say he was born in Jerusalem, but biographers have established that it was in fact in Cairo.

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