
blame是什么意思 blame在线翻译 blame什么意思 blame的意思 blame的翻译 blame的解释 blame的发音 blame的同义词 blame的反义词 blame的例句

blame [bleɪm]  [blem] 


blame 基本解释


及物动词归咎于; 指责,责怪

名词责备; 责任; 过失

blame 相关词组

1. be to blame : 该受责备;

2. bear the blame : 负责, 受过;


blame 相关例句


1. blame的近义词

1. Don't blame it on him, but on me.

2. He blamed you for the neglect of duty.

3. I don't blame you; I blame myself.


1. They heaped blame upon him.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. He bears the blame of his brother.

blame 情景对话


A:Have you made a decision about your job yet?

B:Not yet. I’m still considering my options.

A:What are they?

B:I can stay at my current job and hope that they give me a promotion soon.


B:Or I can take the new job for less money and more responsibilities and hope that they give me a raise soon.

A:So what is more important to you, money or a challenge?


B:I’d rather find my work challenging than make a lot of money. But there is the possibility that I could be challenged at work and make more money.

A:I think I know what you’re going to decide.



A:Well, I don’t think you’re a risk-taker. That’s all I’m going to say.


B:Do you think I should be?

A:I’m not going to tell you what to decide. You have to make the decision for yourself.

B:Do you think I should take more risks?

A:I’m not saying anything else. If give you advice and it doesn’t turn out well, then you’ll blame it all on me!
      我不会说其他的了。如果我给了你建议,但如果并不好, 你会全怪我的!

B:No, I won’t.

A:Yes, you will.


B:No, I promise that I won’t blame you.


A:I’d like to see that in writing!

blame 网络解释

1. 责怪:英语高手必备 记单词就要这样不择手段 象形词义串联记忆法将象形单词的意义串联成一句汉语或者汉语顺口溜同-eed:喂(feed)养(breed)行为(deed)确实(indeed)需要(need)芦苇(reed)种子(seed)杂草(weed). 同-lame:跛足(lame)责怪(blame)火焰(flame). 同-edge:楔形...

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 谴责:也许更为严重的是,消费者无意中购买了假冒伪劣产品,发现这些产品并不如期望的那样时,他们会谴责(blame)无辜的(innocent)制造商. 有时,整个经济都会受损. 比如,肯尼亚和扎伊尔的农民使用假冒化B巴(fertilizer)时,

blame 词典解释

1. 责怪;怪罪;归咎于
    If you blame a person or thing for something bad, you believe or say that they are responsible for it or that they caused it.

    e.g. The commission is expected to blame the army for many of the atrocities...
    e.g. Ms Carey appeared to blame her breakdown on EMI's punishing work schedule...

2. (对坏事应负的)责任
    The blame for something bad that has happened is the responsibility for causing it or letting it happen.

    e.g. Some of the blame for the miscarriage of justice must be borne by the solicitors...
    e.g. The president put the blame squarely on his opponent.

3. 怨;怪;责备
    If you say that you do not blame someone for doing something, you mean that you consider it was a reasonable thing to do in the circumstances.

    e.g. I do not blame them for trying to make some money...
    e.g. He slammed the door and stormed off. I could hardly blame him.

4. …难辞其咎;应对…负责
    If someone is to blame for something bad that has happened, they are responsible for causing it.


    e.g. If their forces were not involved, then who is to blame?...
    e.g. The policy is partly to blame for causing the worst unemployment in Europe.

5. 只能怪自己
    If you say that someone has only themselves to blame or has no-one but themselves to blame, you mean that they are responsible for something bad that has happened to them and that you have no sympathy for them.

    e.g. My life is ruined and I suppose I only have myself to blame.

blame 单语例句

1. A report by the National People's Congress last year said that compromised personal Internet accounts are to blame for 70 percent of all information leaks.

2. The US'attempts to blame an " undervalued " yuan for its economic woes are by and large without merit.

3. He said the attack was " an act of irresponsible terrorism by criminals " but it was too early to say who was to blame.

4. Initial reports suggested an error by one of the engineers was to blame.

5. Security experts said governments preferred to act on flimsy information rather than risk blame after an attack.

6. Analysts predicted that complex procedures required by regulators for corporate bonds issuing are the main reason to blame.

7. But popular bloggers are also to blame because they try to keep their fame and stature by the sheer volume of posts.

8. A student who gave only her family name as Xia said she suspected the food served at the school cafeteria was to blame.

9. But I cannot help wondering if it is really justifiable and who are to blame for the losses the individual farmers have suffered.

10. Their situations are complicated by the fact that actual pedophiles often blame viruses - a defense viewed with skepticism by law enforcement.

blame 英英释义



1. a reproach for some lapse or misdeed

    e.g. he took the blame for it
           it was a bum rap

    Synonym: rap

2. an accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed

    e.g. his incrimination was based on my testimony
           the police laid the blame on the driver

    Synonym: incriminationinculpation



1. attribute responsibility to

    e.g. We blamed the accident on her
           The tragedy was charged to her inexperience

    Synonym: charge

2. put or pin the blame on

    Synonym: fault

3. harass with constant criticism

    e.g. Don't always pick on your little brother

    Synonym: find faultpick



1. expletives used informally as intensifiers

    e.g. he's a blasted idiot
           it's a blamed shame
           a blame cold winter
           not a blessed dime
           I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing
           he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool
           a deuced idiot
           an infernal nuisance

    Synonym: blastedblamedblesseddamndamneddarneddeucedgoddamgoddamngoddamnedinfernal

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