
blind flange是什么意思 blind flange在线翻译 blind flange什么意思 blind flange的意思 blind flange的翻译 blind flange的解释 blind flange的发音

blind flange [blaind flændʒ]  [blaɪnd flændʒ] 

blind flange 基本解释

盖板; 闷头法兰

blind flange 网络解释

1. blind flange的翻译

1. 盲法兰:四、开口阀之下游端应装设栓盖 (Cap)、盲法兰 (Blind Flange) 、栓塞(Plug) 或二次阀(Second Valve) 以封止其开口端. 但实际操作中制程流体需自开口阀排出者,不在此限. 1.止漏流体之操作压力恒大于轴封填料箱 (Stuffing Box) 压力.

2. 法兰堵头:法兰 flange | 法兰堵头 blind flange | 法兰端 flange end

3. 盲板:Coupling双承口管箍 | 盲板 Blind Flange | spectacle blind 带双圈的盲板

4. blind flange的反义词

4. 盲板珐兰:地下排渠 blind drain | 盲板珐兰 blind flange | 无中间出口的升降机竖井 blind hoistway

blind flange 双语例句

1. The open end of the pipe or equipment is sealed with a blind flange.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. The article introduces a kind of new quick opening blind flange structure which adopting self-energizing seal way and connecting by lock rings.

3. All internal parts accessible by removing blind flange or spring chamber.

4. B: Yes, I`ll put the blind flange in and repair it at once.

5. Remove blind flange (24) to inspect.

6. Use one 3.2 diameter blind rivet through each flange at each support.
    在每个支座处,使用一个直径为3.2 的暗铆钉与龙骨每个翼缘固定。

7. Here is a blind flange at the clean water piping from oily water separator to sea.

8. The barrel is made up of rapid opening blind flange, barrel base, variable diameter tubing, saddle support, etc.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. Describes a sleeve type compensator-the self balancing compensator, which can be used in heating network s to eliminate the blind flange force on primary fixing trestles.

10. Main products including more than ten types, about five hundred specifications such as open type blind rivet, sealed type blind rivet, multigrip type blind rivet, peel type blind rivet, grooved type blind rivet, color-plated blind rivet, large flange blind rivet, solid rivet, semi-tubular rivet and insert nuts etc.

11. Since blind flanges bolt to a single flange face, all of the stud bolts must be removed to remove the existing equipment.

12. He main products including more than ten types, about five hundred specifications such as open type blind rivet, sealed type blind rivet, multigrip type blind rivet, peel type blind rivet, grooved type blind rivet, color-plated blind rivet, large flange blind rivet, solid rivet, semi-tubular rivet and insert nuts etc.

13. blind flange的意思

13. According to the principle of straight pipe pressure-balanced bellows compensator, the influence of blind flange force can be eliminated Fundamentally and thereby it is possible to continuously meter pulverized coal amount in series hoppers.

14. Disconnect the gauge glasses or fit a blind flange between them.

15. Describes a sleeve type compensator-the self balancing compensator, which can be used in heating networks to eliminate the blind flange force on primary fixing trestles.

16. Damaged reasons analysis about ahead blind flange of NJM & 10 type hydraulic motor and its repair

17. Temporary blind flange thickness calculation for hydrostatic test

18. Derivation of simple oral formula for calculation of thickness of pressure testing blind flange

19. blind flange

19. The frequency bandwidth increases first and then decreases while the dimension ratio of the back blind flange increases, the bandwidth obtains optimal value just as the dimension ratio achieves at about 1.

20. blind flange

20. By the analysis of stress distortion of circular load symmetry flat plate, starting from the entire deriving course of thickness calculation formula, derives the simple formula of calculating blind flange thickness, which is fit for oral calculation of hydrostatic pressure testing of in-situ equipment and pipeline.

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