
blip是什么意思 blip在线翻译 blip什么意思 blip的意思 blip的翻译 blip的解释 blip的发音 blip的同义词 blip的反义词 blip的例句 blip的相关词组

blip [blɪp]  [blɪp] 


blip 基本解释

名词[电子学]尖峰信号,尖头信号; 短促而尖锐的声音; (统计数字的)上下浮动; 雷达的可视信号

不及物动词发哔哔声; 发信号; (雷达等屏幕上)出现光点; 出现波动

blip 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 光点:安隆公司的倒闭虽只是美国经济上一个光点(blip)的熄灭,然而最大损失者却是投资大众与多数曾参与公司退休金计划401(k)帐户的员工,想及经过数年工作辛劳,累积总数达数十亿美元的退休金,一夕乌有,公司倒了工作没了,前途茫茫,

2. 反射脉冲:还有二硫异构酶、免疫球蛋白重链结合蛋白(BIP)和内质网素(endoplasmin)等. 单个钙通道开放记录到的钙信号为反射脉冲(blip)和夸克(quark一组钙通道开放记录到的钙信号为钙火花(spark)和钙泡(puff膜联蛋白(annexin)家族:

3. blip什么意思

3. (缩微胶卷画面上的光点)标志:blinking 闪烁 | blip (缩微胶卷画面上的光点)标志 | blit 位块传送

4. 标志:blinker 闪光;移带叉;闪光警戒标;闪光灯 | blip 标志 | blister corrosion 起泡腐蚀

blip 词典解释

1. (雷达等仪器屏幕上的伴有短促尖声的)光点,信号
    A blip is a small spot of light, sometimes occurring with a short, high-pitched sound, which flashes on and off regularly on a piece of equipment such as a radar screen.

2. (直线上的)转折点,跳点
    A blip in a straight line, such as the line on a graph, is a point at which the line suddenly makes a sharp change of direction before returning to its original direction.

3. 暂时的突变;突然的中断
    A blip in a situation is a sudden but temporary change or interruption in it.


    e.g. Interest rates generally have been declining since last spring, despite a few upward blips in recent weeks.

blip 单语例句

1. A flock of birds or a reflection could have caused the blip.

2. The high product price this year is just a blip on the market curve and will not sustain itself in the long term.

3. The blip was literally of cosmic proportions, representing a new tool to probe the birth of the universe.

4. Vettel has won five of the opening six races this season and finished second in his one " blip " in China.

5. Organisers insist it was a temporary blip in Britain's biggest peacetime security operation.

6. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the agency was screening passengers and cargo for " even a blip of radiation ".

7. Officials blamed the incident on a blip that appeared on a radar screen.

8. Was 2007 a blip in the radar for live music in Shanghai?

9. The Olympics is but a blip, mentioned one time in the voluminous Eleventh Five Year Plan of 2007.

blip 英英释义


1. a radar echo displayed so as to show the position of a reflecting surface

    Synonym: pipradar target

2. a sudden minor shock or meaningless interruption

    e.g. the market had one bad blip today
           you can't react to the day-to-day blips
           renewed jitters in the wake of a blip in retail sales

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