
blitz是什么意思 blitz在线翻译 blitz什么意思 blitz的意思 blitz的翻译 blitz的解释 blitz的发音 blitz的同义词 blitz的反义词 blitz的例句

blitz [blɪts]  [blɪts] 


blitz 基本解释

名词闪电战; 大规模空袭; 突然袭击,闪电攻势



形容词闪电战的; 闪电式的,凌厉的

blitz 相关例句


1. An army of doctors blitzed the disease.

2. blitz的反义词

2. London was blitzed during the war.


1. I must have a blitz to get my room tidy.

blitz 网络解释

1. blitz是什么意思

1. 突襲:典型HB - 濑那(泥门),大和(帝黑),猫山(王城),小陆(西部),黑豹(NASA)端锋(Defensive End,DE):位于攻防线两端的两名球员,其职责是阻拦对方的传球或者跑锋冲刺,在闪电突袭(Blitz)战术中,站在四分位盲区一侧的DE也负责对他进行擒

2. blitz的解释

2. 闪电战猛裂的空袭:blistering gas 糜烂性毒气 | blitz 闪电战;猛裂的空袭 | blitz 闪电战猛裂的空袭

blitz 词典解释

1. 以闪电战空袭;以闪电战攻击
    If a city or building is blitzed during a war, it is attacked by bombs dropped by enemy aircraft.

    e.g. In the autumn of 1940 London was blitzed by an average of two hundred aircraft a night...
    e.g. They blitzed the capital with tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons and machine guns.

2. 德军对英国城市的空袭,伦敦大轰炸(1940年至1941年间)
    The heavy bombing of British cities by German aircraft in 1940 and 1941 is referred to as the Blitz.

3. 努力;下工夫
    If you have a blitz on something, you make a big effort to deal with it or to improve it.

    e.g. Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar.

4. (为吸引注意力的)大规模活动
    An advertising or publicity blitz is a major effort to make the public aware of something.

    e.g. On December 8 the media blitz began in earnest.

blitz 单语例句

1. Like Hodges exclaims during a blitz of movie impressions, " Cop Out " is an homage.

2. The State Council began its annual IPR inspection blitz in November by dispatching seven investigative teams to monitor IPR protection initiatives in several provinces.

3. Memories of the World War II blitz attacks on London overcame the press.

4. " It was not a blitz that went wrong, " he said.

5. At least the Brits cannot be accused of lacking the " Blitz spirit " that saw them through World War II.

6. The couples get thrown together in London during the Blitz of 1940.

7. While a nationwide blitz against polluting firms across the country is paying off, environmental inspectors are still finding it an uphill fight.

8. But it remains to be seen whether the blitz will stoke an industry reshuffle in the rapid growing yet embryonic sector.

9. The case triggered a nationwide music copyright protection blitz, but standards for record companies royalties have still not been set.

10. Fang observed that Chinese media now always launch a blitz against officials at the first sign of corruption or malpractice.


blitz 英英释义


1. a swift and violent military offensive with intensive aerial bombardment

    Synonym: blitzkrieg

2. (American football) defensive players try to break through the offensive line

    Synonym: safety blitzlinebacker blitzing


1. attack suddenly and without warning

    e.g. Hitler blitzed Poland

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