
blue jean是什么意思 blue jean在线翻译 blue jean什么意思 blue jean的意思 blue jean的翻译 blue jean的解释 blue jean的发音 blue jean的同义词

blue jean

blue jean 双语例句

1. The blue car is named for Jean-Pierre Wimille, the red for Achille Varzi, the green for Sir Malcolm Campbell and the white represents Hermann zu Leiningen.
    蓝色的车被命名为让皮埃尔Wimille ,红色的阿希尔Varzi ,绿色的麦尔肯爵士坎贝尔和白色代表赫尔曼楚兰Leiningen 。

2. Jean-Pierre Wimille has given the blue Veyron its name, Achille Varzi the red one, Malcolm Campbell the green one and Hermann zu Leiningen the white Veyron.

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3. It was also a movement in search of a uniform: It found the leather jacket, the blue jean and the high-top sneaker.

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4. Listening in the gallery was gangling Jean-Marie Weber, a guest of FIFA, awaiting trial accused of stealing more than 100 million francs from FIFA, a man for whom skies of blue and red roses too might soon be a thing of the past.

5. blue jean的意思

5. Spring 1 is a suit of leisure between seasons, a jacket of gray and red stripes, V-neck, a dark blue jean with folds.
    spring 1是一套比较休闲的春秋装,灰色和红色条纹搭配的上衣,鸡心领,搭配一条深蓝色的褶皱牛仔裤。

6. A really simple sandal, white plain T-shirt and a blue jean, that's it for Pe Tik

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. He was wearing greasy blue Jeans and a jean jacket with the sleeves cut out.

8. He was wearing greasy blue jean s and a jean jacket with the sleeves cut out.

9. blue jean什么意思

9. The blue eyes of Jean Grace jolted him into acute remembrance of what he had lost.

10. The blue eyes of Jean jolted him into acute remembrance of what he had lost.

11. blue jean的翻译

11. Jean is a blue-eye d girl.

12. Getting dressed in his blue jean shorts, and his favorite white shirt she loved to see him in.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. Getting dressed in his blue jean shorts, and his favorite white shirtshe loved to see him in.

14. blue jean

14. Dam of the most beautiful scenery; in the summer, sky blue here want to drop, such as Bicao Tsui, cloud delicate and pretty flowers, wild-Jean Shannon; fall season, Hong Bian mountains, wild fruit fragrance; winter, snowy, Yushu sargentii, Where Yi Shoushou as beautiful poetry, painting beautiful pictures.

15. Winter 2 is a hoar stripes sweater with a pair of dark blue jean, which shows leisure in winter.
      Winter 2是一件灰白条纹状毛衣,搭配一条深蓝色牛仔裤,在冬季可以穿出休闲的感觉。

16. Our Angel is wearing a round-shaped hat, with white sweater and blue jean.

17. A complete set of collection centered on the principal series of jeans with mixed colors of jean blue, grey, white and black.
      JEANS 是以牛仔为主线延伸出的完整系列。色彩上采用了牛仔兰、灰、白、黑相搭配。

18. blue jean的翻译

18. He was wearing greasy blue jeans and a jean jacket with the sleeves cut out.

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. Jean is a blue-eyed girl.

20. blue jean的解释

20. Jean is pretty, of slim build, with blue eyes.

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