
bluebell是什么意思 bluebell在线翻译 bluebell什么意思 bluebell的意思 bluebell的翻译 bluebell的解释 bluebell的发音 bluebell的同义词

bluebell [ˈblu:bel]  ['blu:bel] 


bluebell 基本解释



bluebell 网络解释

1. bluebell在线翻译

1. 野风信子:推门出屋来到花园,在别墅另一侧的喷泉旁摘取百合(Lily)、印加百合(Incan Lily)和野风信子(Bluebell)三种花,再将三种花组合成花束. 在喷泉附近的花圃还拾到一根铁棍.

2. bluebell

2. 风铃草:四月二十三日 生日花:風鈴草(Bluebell)花 语:嫉妒(Jealousy) 希臘神話中出現的風鈴草,被太陽神阿波羅熱愛. 嫉妒的西風便將圓盤扔向風鈴草的頭,這時流出來的鮮血濺在地面上,便開出了風鈴草的花朵. 因此,它的花語就是-嫉妒.

3. 风信子:推门出屋来到花园,在别墅另一侧的喷泉旁摘取百合(Lily)、印加百合(Incan Lily)和野风信子(Bluebell)三种花,再将三种花组合成花束. 在喷泉附近的花圃还拾到一根铁棍.

4. 风铃草蓝:Blue-based color 蓝底色 | Bluebell 风铃草蓝 | Bluebird 青鸟蓝

bluebell 双语例句

1. bluebell的意思

1. For years, Benson was a catch-and-release attraction in Bluebell Lakes, a private fishing complex.

2. And Bluebell, wild Bluebell, was dancing in the wood.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Caption:Stroll through a bluebell wood:Our ancient woodland is at its very finest this weekend.
    描述:1/7 漫步于蓝铃花丛之中:本周末我们古老的林地将展示其最美的时刻。

4. Mr. Bridgefoot estimates around 40% of Bluebell Lakes'anglers came to try to catch the leviathan fish.

5. But Bluebell, wild Bluebell, only dances in the wood.

6. bluebell的反义词

6. The owner of Bluebell Lakes, Tony Bridgefoot, found traces of raw tiger nuts near the spot where Benson died.

7. My own impression of the war was limited to snapshot memories-1940 summer picnics around the wreckage of a Heinkel bomber in the local Bluebell Woods; the infernal organ note of the V-1 flying bombs passing overhead; convoys of drab army trucks rumbling past our country gate; counting the gaps in the American bomber squadrons straggling back each day from Germany; waving to the troopships sailing in June 1944 from Southsea beach to Normandy; and of course, VE-day itself, with the bonfires and beating of the family gong.
    我自己对于战争的印象仅限于几个片断:1940年夏天在当地的风铃草森林围着一架海因克尔轰炸机残骸进行的一次野餐;V1飞弹(V-1 flying bombs)自头顶掠过那恐怖的噪音;土褐色的卡车在护送队的伴随下驶入我国国门的隆隆声;每天列出的美国轰炸机中队到达德国的距离数字;1944年6月在运兵船上从南海海滩到诺曼底的航行;还有,当然,那伴随家家户户的锣鼓声和巨大的篝火到来的欧战胜利纪念日。

8. It was a tough course over a gradual ascent before the big climb of Bluebell Hill.

9. It was my first time to see a bluebell field, the moment when I first saw it I was so excited and imagine myself walking in a fairy tale, it was blue everywhere, I couldn't see where it ended.

10. It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies.

11. bluebell

11. The children had never seen anything like the bluebell wood before. They couldn't pick the flowers fast enough.

12. First came the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie and Pincher, and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform.

13. First came the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher, and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform.

bluebell 词典解释

1. 蓝色风铃草;野风信子;蓝铃花
    Bluebells are plants that have blue bell-shaped flowers on thin upright stems. Bluebells flower in the spring.


bluebell 单语例句

1. An angel with a bluebell cap was holding a pussycat in its apron and asking a provocative question.

bluebell 英英释义



1. perennial of northern hemisphere with slender stems and bell-shaped blue flowers

    Synonym: harebellCampanula rotundifolia

2. one of the most handsome prairie wildflowers having large erect bell-shaped bluish flowers
    of moist places in prairies and fields from eastern Colorado and Nebraska south to New Mexico and Texas

    Synonym: prairie gentiantulip gentianEustoma grandiflorum

3. sometimes placed in genus Scilla

    Synonym: wild hyacinthwood hyacinthharebellHyacinthoides nonscriptaScilla nonscripta

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