
bluff是什么意思 bluff在线翻译 bluff什么意思 bluff的意思 bluff的翻译 bluff的解释 bluff的发音 bluff的同义词 bluff的反义词 bluff的例句

bluff [blʌf]  [blʌf] 


bluff 基本解释


及物动词虚张声势; 吓唬; 愚弄; 以假象欺骗

名词悬崖; 欺骗; 恐吓; 虚张声势的人

形容词直率的; 陡峭的; 爽快的; 肥型船首

bluff 相关例句


1. bluff的意思

1. He had a bluff way of speaking.


1. He bluffed me into believing that he was innocent.

2. He could bluff his way through any difficulty.


1. No one knew whether he was bluffing.


1. His threats are merely bluff.

bluff 网络解释

1. 欺騙:蹒跚(Lurch):你蹒跚的动作令你每回合能以一次移动等价动作来作出一次欺骗(Bluff)判定以作出佯攻. 你的欺骗判定将获得+4技能奖励. 醉抱(Drunken Embrace):你能擒抱(grapple)对手,而对方无法作出借机攻击. 你的擒抱判定将获得+4的技能奖励.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 布拉夫:南部地区 (Southland) 地区开车到布拉夫 (Bluff)附近的其它城镇:乘火车到布拉夫 (Bluff)附近的其它城镇:布拉夫 (Bluff) 没有任何火车站乘飞机到布拉夫 (Bluff)附近的其它城镇:布拉夫 (Bluff) 没有定期客运航空服务

3. 绝壁:如果要观赏德文港的海岸线,您可以沿维多利亚大街(Victoria Parade)步行或骑自行车到绝壁(Bluff)的荑雅拉原住民文化与艺术中心(Tiagarra Aboriginal Centre),这里展示了该地区的原住民历史和附近的岩刻.

bluff 词典解释

1. 欺骗;误导;吓唬;虚张声势
    A bluff is an attempt to make someone believe that you will do something when you do not really intend to do it.

    e.g. The letter was a bluff...
    e.g. It is essential to build up the military option and show that this is not a bluff...

2. (因料到对方不敢行动而)要求…摊牌,接受…的挑战
    If you call someone's bluff, you tell them to do what they have been threatening to do, because you are sure that they will not really do it.

    e.g. The Socialists have decided to call the opposition's bluff.

3. 欺骗;误导;吓唬;虚张声势
    If you bluff, you make someone believe that you will do something when you do not really intend to do it, or that you know something when you do not really know it.

    e.g. Either side, or both, could be bluffing...
    e.g. In each case the hijackers bluffed the crew using fake grenades...

4. (尤指河边或海边的)悬崖,峭壁,陡岸
    A bluff is a steep cliff or bank, especially by a river or the sea.

    e.g. ...a high bluff over the Congaree River.

5. 坦率的;坦白的;直言的
    If you describe someone, usually a man, as bluff, you mean that they have a very direct way of speaking and behaving.

    e.g. He comes across as a man with a bluff exterior who, beyond that, is difficult to get to know...
    e.g. He has continued to write with a bluff, vivid humour about Yorkshire life.

bluff 单语例句

1. The most remarkable archeological offering is a painting of the God of the Sun, etched into a bluff 40 meters above ground.

2. The South Korean Maritime Authority officials would also be in Bluff to investigate the sinking.

3. La Conchita is a slip of a town pressed between a highway and a towering coastal bluff 70 miles northwest of Los Angeles.

4. The eagles are raising newly hatched chicks for the second consecutive year in a nest on a bluff by the post office.

5. Much of the election rhetoric being peddled by the Romney campaign must be dismissed as little more than bluff and bluster.

6. It's better for lawmakers to bluff Beijing, so as to appear tough without having to suffer the painful consequences.

7. We are drawn to a cragged bluff, and find that waves have polished its front side smooth.

8. La Conchita is a slip of a town pressed between a highway and a towering coastal bluff.

9. Trees and vegetation were carried away, leaving huge gashes of raw earth on the bluff.

10. Russian analysts said the offer was more than just a bluff to put a spanner in the works of the US plan.

bluff 英英释义


1. the act of bluffing in poker
    deception by a false show of confidence in the strength of your cards

    Synonym: four flush

2. pretense that your position is stronger than it really is

    e.g. his bluff succeeded in getting him accepted

3. a high steep bank (usually formed by river erosion)



1. frighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one really is

2. deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand

    Synonym: bluff out


1. bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured

    e.g. a bluff but pleasant manner
           a bluff and rugged natural leader

2. very steep
    having a prominent and almost vertical front

    e.g. a bluff headland
           where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise
           a sheer descent of rock

    Synonym: boldsheer

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