
boggle是什么意思 boggle在线翻译 boggle什么意思 boggle的意思 boggle的翻译 boggle的解释 boggle的发音 boggle的同义词 boggle的反义词 boggle的例句

boggle [ˈbɒgl]  [ˈbɔ:gl] 


boggle 基本解释

不及物动词惊恐; 退缩; 踌躇,犹豫

及物动词弄坏,搞糟; 犹豫,退缩; 装糊涂; 使吃惊

名词搪塞; 犹豫,退缩; 吃惊; 胡乱干的工作

boggle 相关例句


1. What an impossible job! The mind boggles.

boggle 网络解释

1. (犹豫):/blush (脸红) | /boggle (犹豫) | /bonk (巨响)

2. 你看起來慌慌張張的:blush 你羞得整个脸红通通的. | boggle 你看起来慌慌张张的. | bounce 你像兔子似的到处蹦来蹦去.

3. boggle是什么意思

3. 好惊讶!怎么会这样呢:#44 Bload 得意忘形的笑,得意的笑...... | #45 Boggle 好惊讶!怎么会这样呢? | #46 Quick 快一点,等不及啦!

4. 迟疑:/blush 脸红 | /boggle 迟疑 | /bonk 敲头

boggle 双语例句

1. At the moment, wind rise, I am no longer to boggle and despond, I make a long arm for being up in the air!

2. The BOGGLE JR games are so flexible, they will grow with your child:the oungeset may play with the case first as a toy, then learn to identify the individual letters and see how they combine to form words, inally, he or she can enjoy the actual BOGGLE JR.

3. boggle的解释

3. Of products with resale rights will boggle your mind.

4. boggle的反义词

4. Here's a question that might boggle your mind: If you die in one universe, what happens to your body in other universes?

5. boggle

5. Palm PDA phones of today are especially designed to take the needs of people from the corporate segment and so have many features including Personal Information Management software beside an entire keyboard and also organizers and many mobile games that are guaranteed to boggle your mind.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Don't boggle me when I ask you.

7. When you want to do a thing what you think it's worthy of doing, don't boggle

8. And of course, the cultural references are likely to boggle your mind.

9. But wherever you go in China now, you come across projects that boggle the mind.

10. boggle的翻译

10. Have you heard of the game Boggle before?

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. But some of the detail is enough to make the mind boggle.

12. boggle的翻译

12. If you boggle me, you will find that I would never ask you and search for other ways to solve my problem

13. boggle在线翻译

13. The difference between what we are aware of now and what we can do as a result of this expanded awareness would boggle the mind of anyone living 100 years ago.

14. The future is indeed bright for solar energy as new solar nanotechnology is close to creating solar platforms that boggle the mind.

15. The broad correspondence between the prophecies and their fulfilment is wonderful enough. But some of the detail is enough to make the mind boggle.

16. Probably invented by two engineers, one who worked for Disney, the other with Union Carbide (the two firms collaborated on various films during that time), it has come to describe the process of inventing devices that both dazzle and boggle the mind.

17. He boggle d at the thought of swimming in winter.

18. boggle

18. Even I boggle at the idea of spending so much money.

19. There is no reason why we should boggle at a capital gains tax.

20. boggle的解释

20. I have never understood why people who can swallow the enormous improbability of a personal God boggle at a personal Devil.

boggle 词典解释

1. (思想)困惑;使无法想象;使难以理解
    If you say that the mind boggles at something or that something boggles the mind, you mean that it is so strange or amazing that it is difficult to imagine or understand.

    e.g. The mind boggles at the possibilities that could be in store for us...
    e.g. The good grace with which they face the latest privations makes the mind boggle...

boggle 单语例句

1. Other stories concern the " Muncaster Boggle " or White Lady, who is said to haunt the gardens and surrounding roadways.

2. One New York Post photo showed the former president reaching for a Boggle game near his hospital room window.


boggle 英英释义



1. overcome with amazement

    e.g. This boggles the mind!

    Synonym: flabbergastbowl over

2. startle with amazement or fear

3. hesitate when confronted with a problem, or when in doubt or fear

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