
bonanza是什么意思 bonanza在线翻译 bonanza什么意思 bonanza的意思 bonanza的翻译 bonanza的解释 bonanza的发音 bonanza的同义词 bonanza的反义词

bonanza [bəˈnænzə]  [bəˈnænzə] 


bonanza 基本解释


名词(突然的)财源; 意想不到的幸运; 富矿脉


bonanza 网络解释

1. 富源:常见的同属观赏种孔雀草(T.patula),品种有曙光(Aurora),花较大,花径6厘米,播种后48天始花;富源(Bonanza),早花种,花径5厘米;赠品(Bounty),株高25~30厘米,花径5厘米,抗病品种;迪斯科(Disco),株高30厘米,单瓣花,花径6厘米,分枝性强;

2. 富矿脉:bombcalorimeter 弹式量热计 | bonanza 富矿脉 | bond 结合

bonanza 词典解释

1. 财运;鸿运;好运
    You can refer to a sudden great increase in wealth, success, or luck as a bonanza .

    e.g. The expected sales bonanza hadn't materialised.

bonanza 单语例句

1. From 1945 all the way to the present day, cheap oil seemed to be a bonanza with no end in sight.

2. Bad times in Buenos Aires are proving to be a bonanza for editorial cartoonists whose caustic humor has pummeled politicians.

3. Companies betting on the bus video bonanza should start to revise their business strategy, because rising public discontent may hurt their bottom lines.

4. This year, other Chinese retail giants are anxious to join the bonanza.

5. They were the idols and role models of the many thousands of university students who harbored an ambition to succeed in China's economic bonanza.

6. Some people thought they had hit a bonanza - discovering the evidence of the central government's attempt to stifle Hong Kong's freedom of expression.

7. But the other side of coin is that foreign firms have enjoyed a bonanza through China's foreign trade boom.

8. Still, the export bonanza has done nothing to cool congressional ire over China's trade practices.

9. Their legacies are to be acknowledged this year in a worldwide bonanza of recordings and performances.

10. Though hotel operators have been expected to enjoy a bonanza during the Olympic Games, conditions varied for different companies.

bonanza 英英释义



1. a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money)

    e.g. the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line

    Synonym: boomgold rushgravygodsendmanna from heavenwindfallbunce

2. an especially rich vein of precious ore

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