
bone是什么意思 bone在线翻译 bone什么意思 bone的意思 bone的翻译 bone的解释 bone的发音 bone的同义词 bone的反义词 bone的例句 bone的相关词组

bone [bəʊn]  [boʊn] 


bone 基本解释

名词骨头; 尸骨; 骨质物; 有…样的骨头的

及物动词挑鱼刺,剔骨头; 剔去…的骨

不及物动词苦学; 专心致志

bone 相关例句


1. He sells completely boned beef.

2. bone的近义词

2. Will you bone this joint of meat for me?

1. The victim made no bones about telling the public the truth.


1. bone的翻译

1. Bred was boning up for an examination.


1. Doris suffered a broken bone in her foot.

2. Let me rest my weary bones for a minute.

bone 网络解释

1. bone是什么意思

1. 骨骼:inning information)就存储在这里.这个模板定义了一个特定的骨骼能够去影响一个mesh.这个模板在每一个影响到mesh的骨骼(bone)里面都有实例,例如,有12个骨骼(bone)影响到mesh,Mesh模板里将有12个SkinWeights模板的实例.现在,

2. 骨架:例如, 骨架(Bone)可以指定给摄影机. 我不晓得为什麼你会这麼做, 不过在Messiah中这是可行的. 欢迎进入第二阶段,产生动态. 猜猜看你在这里要做些什麼事? OK, 首先我们先将界面顶端的标签切换为Animate标签.

bone 词典解释

1. 骨;骨头
    Your bones are the hard parts inside your body which together form your skeleton.


    e.g. Many passengers suffered broken bones...
    e.g. Stephen fractured a thigh bone...

2. 剔除(肉类或鱼)的骨头
    If you bone a piece of meat or fish, you remove the bones from it before cooking it.


    e.g. Make sure that you do not pierce the skin when boning the chicken thighs...
    e.g. The boned fish is so easy to serve.

3. (工具或装饰品)骨制的
    A bone tool or ornament is made of bone.

    e.g. ...a small, expensive pocketknife with a bone handle.

4. see also: marrow bone;T-bone steak

5. 基本部分;梗概
    The bare bones of something are its most basic parts or details.

    e.g. There are not even the bare bones of a garden here — I've got nothing.

6. 太过直白;过于直率;露骨
    If something is too close to the bone, it makes you feel uncomfortable because it is very close to the truth or to the real nature of something.

7. 从内心;凭直觉
    If you say that you feel or know something in your bones, you are indicating that you are certain about it, although you cannot explain why.


    e.g. I've got a feeling in my bones that things are not quite right.

8. 开诚布公;直言不讳
    If you make no bones about something, you talk openly about it, rather than trying to keep it a secret.


    e.g. Some of them make no bones about their political views.

9. 毫不犹豫;毫不迟疑;二话不说
    If you make no bones about doing something that is unpleasant or difficult or that might upset someone else, you do it without hesitating.

    e.g. Stafford-Clark made no bones about reapplying for the job when Daldry was standing for it.

10. 瘦得皮包骨头;瘦骨嶙峋
    You can say someone is just skin and bone when you do not approve of the fact that they are very thin.

    e.g. He was nothing but skin and bones.

11. (削减)达到最低限度,到最小化
      If something such as costs are cut to the bone, they are reduced to the minimum possible.

      e.g. It has survived by cutting its costs to the bone...
      e.g. Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving.

12. (影响)深刻地,彻骨地
      You use to the bone to indicate that you are very deeply affected by something. For example, if you feel chilled to the bone, your whole body feels extremely cold, often because you have had a shock.


      e.g. What I saw chilled me to the bone.

相关词组:bone up on

bone 单语例句

1. It has bone joints on three parts and is only nourished by blood from two sides.

2. The response of bone to loading is determined by the magnitude of the force, and the rate and direction at which it is applied.

3. He said 20 children came to his hospital to check their calcium, zinc and magnesium levels as well as bone development.

4. Face transplants go far beyond the transfer of skin and facial features, using things like bone and cartilage for reconstruction.

5. The disease is the result of the immune system attacking the joints, causing inflammation and damage to bone and cartilage.

6. A greater number of visitors showed up yesterday to catch a last glimpse of the Buddha finger bone before it leaves Hong Kong.

7. Forensic examinations identified the cause of death as suffocation due to fracture of the throat bone.

8. Try substituting a toy or chew bone when the puppy tries to chew on fingers or toes.

9. Her friend's warning chilled her to the bone, so her number one priority for the year became to marry herself off.

10. We know adequate protein intake is essential for healthy bones, but at really high intakes this could in fact encourage bone loss.


bone 英英释义


1. a shade of white the color of bleached bones

    Synonym: ivorypearloff-white

2. rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates

    Synonym: os

3. the porous calcified substance from which bones are made

    Synonym: osseous tissue


1. remove the bones from

    e.g. bone the turkey before roasting it

    Synonym: debone

2. study intensively, as before an exam

    e.g. I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam

    Synonym: cramgrind awaydrumbone upswotget upmug upswot up



1. consisting of or made up of bone

    e.g. a bony substance
           the bony framework of the body

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