
bonnet是什么意思 bonnet在线翻译 bonnet什么意思 bonnet的意思 bonnet的翻译 bonnet的解释 bonnet的发音 bonnet的同义词 bonnet的反义词 bonnet的例句

bonnet [ˈbɒnɪt]  [ˈbɑ:nət] 


bonnet 基本解释

名词阀帽; 童帽; (苏格兰男子的)无边帽; 烟囱罩,壁炉罩


bonnet 网络解释

1. bonnet的意思

1. 阀盖:阀杆与阀盖(Bonnet)间的热收缩 一致,导致阀盘卡住上密封将运转中的系统的手动阀锁紧后座(backseating)的目的是下 何种阀最可能与节 定位器(positioner)一起使用D.

2. bonnet在线翻译

2. 罩:戴姆勒公司的系统利用弹簧产生上弹力,而利用电磁螺线管(Solenoid)开锁. 前保险杠里侧有三处安装了加速度传感器,当其中两处感知冲击时,会弹起发动机罩. 碰撞速度达到20~25km/h以上时便会启动,机罩(Bonnet)后端的铰链部分最多可上弹50mm.

3. 盖:不能用CLIO的原因是它的车前盖(bonnet) 设计有缺陷,在开车的过程中会自己弹起来 (虽然有点夸张,我没遇见过 206 是刹车有问题. 提醒楼主:如果你将来打算用自己的车去路考,请慎重选择 CLIO 和 标志206 ,好像不能考试用.

4. 引擎盖:汽车的前灯部分别被设计成鼠标左键和右键,引擎盖(Bonnet)到前挡风玻璃部分配备了滚轮. 采用USB接口,分辨率为400dpi. 该产品所适用的操作系统包括Windows 98/ME/2000/XP.

bonnet 词典解释

1. (汽车的)引擎盖
    The bonnet of a car is the metal cover over the engine at the front.

    e.g. When I eventually stopped and lifted the bonnet, the noise seemed to be coming from the alternator.

in AM, use 美国英语用 hood

2. (用带子系于颏下的)童帽,旧时女帽
    A bonnet is a hat with ribbons that are tied under the chin. Bonnets are now worn by babies. In the past, they were also worn by women.

3. to have a bee in your bonnet . -> see bee

bonnet 单语例句


1. That doesn't mean to say there is no individuality in playing the motorized music box under the bonnet.

2. Here a man in white gloves holds a car boot, roof and bonnet sale of unidentifiable dried objects in the name of traditional medicine.

3. The launch of the new BMW 3 Series sedan was on the Internet seconds after the cloth was pulled from its bonnet.

4. But they have been moved to the bonnet so as not to disrupt the smooth body flow of the new design.

5. Shanghai police rescued a man clinging on to the bonnet of a moving car last week.

bonnet 英英释义


1. a hat tied under the chin

    Synonym: poke bonnet

2. protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine

    e.g. there are powerful engines under the hoods of new cars
           the mechanic removed the cowling in order to repair the plane's engine

    Synonym: hoodcowlcowling


1. dress in a bonnet

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