
book of maps是什么意思 book of maps在线翻译 book of maps什么意思 book of maps的意思 book of maps的翻译 book of maps的解释 book of maps的发音

book of maps

book of maps 双语例句

1. book of maps的反义词

1. This book brings together an exclusive one hundred pieces of rare maps at home and abroad, up and down for thousands of years, vertical and horizontal 10 million years, the ancient map tombs and suspense after another.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. I hired a car the day after landing and bought a comprehensive book of maps, which I found most helpful on the cross country journey

3. Mr Scafi's book illustrates beautifully (though, sadly, all too often in black and white) how Eden shifted from the centre of maps to the periphery, and ultimately to the margins.

4. He was also a cartographer - best known for his maps and charts collected in his Kitab-i Bahrieh or the Book of the Sea.
    他也是一个地图绘制者——以在《 Kitab-i Bahrieh 》收集的海图和地图而闻名。

5. danci.911cha.com

5. The book contains forty maps, including three of the USA.

6. This book contains forty maps, including three of Great Britain.

7. book of maps的反义词

7. This book contains forty maps including three of Great Britain.

8. book of maps

8. Field geological mapping in China, owing to historical reasons and scientific and technological limitations, is chiefly conducted by hand. The process which includes acquiring field data, information sorting and sketch map drawing is a long and inefficient period. The carrier of data recording, information filing, result expressing and its social serving remain to be field maps, book-notes and other paper media. For this reason, the data accuracy is reduced, which is unfavorable for the information's long term reservation and social service.

9. book of maps

9. That book of maps contains separate maps for all 50 states, and there will be smaller inset maps for all of the larger cities in each state.

10. Dedicated fixture design fixture design reference manuals and fixture book, first of all, the use of Pro/E three-dimensional modeling, and then to generate two-dimensional maps, the use of electronic chart CAXA drawn engineering drawings.

11. I also tried organizing a few maps in the clip book; these copied from Google Maps and Yahoo Maps without a problem, and in one instance I cropped a map to include just the section of Manhattan where The Wall Street Journal is located.
      我还尝试在剪贴簿中整理几张从Google Maps和Yahoo Maps复制过来的地图,过程也很顺利,有一张地图我只选择了《华尔街日报》所在的曼哈顿区,也没出现问题。

12. Black and Gregersen's book, Leading Strategic Change, echoes this concept by suggesting that to make changes in the organizational culture, you must alter the " mind maps " of the individual.

13. It's a book of maps.

14. Map, printed (excl. schematic maps and photographic reproductions of hand-drawn maps, maps in book form and maps more than 100 years old)

15. book of maps

15. Her book maps out the long-term future of the coal industry.

16. I hired a car the day after landing and bought a comprehensive book of maps, which I found most helpful on the cross-country journey, but which I did not think I should need on the last stage.

17. book of maps在线翻译

17. The Map of Suzhou City appears in the book A Choice Collection of Ancient Chinese Maps published by the Esperanto Press in1995.

18. In fact the route of the fleet described in the book was fictional and there were several errors in the maps Memphis took as examples, thus unable to prove his viewpoints.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. That book of maps contains separate maps for all50 states, and there will be smaller inset maps for all of the larger cities in each state.

20. book of maps的意思

20. Maps and hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds including atlases, wall maps and topographical plans printed, in book form.

book of maps 单语例句

1. The book will have 25 chapters and include many photographs, maps and diagrams on the types of weapons used by both sides.

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