
book是什么意思 book在线翻译 book什么意思 book的意思 book的翻译 book的解释 book的发音 book的同义词 book的反义词 book的例句 book的相关词组

book [bʊk]  [bʊk] 


book 基本解释

名词书; 卷; 课本; 账簿


及物动词登记; (向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约; 立案(控告某人); 订立演出契约

形容词书的; 账簿上的; 得之(或来自)书本的; 按照(或依据)书本的

book 相关词组

1. book in : 登记姓名(登记姓名和到达时间);

2. without book : 凭记忆;

3. by the book : 按常规;

book 情景对话



B:When is this book due back?


A:It’s due back (next Tuesday/ a week from Friday/ in three days).



A:I'm sorry, but I can't find the book you lent me.


B:Oh, that's all right.


A:I must apologize. I’ll buy you a new one tomorrow.

B:No, please don’t. I couldn't let you do that.


A:Can I help you?


B:Wait a minute, please.

A:Have you made a reservation?

B:No, I’d like to book a singe room with one double bed.


A:How long will you be staying by us?

B:2 nights, how much soes it cost?
      2 晚,请问房价是多少?

A:A single room cost you $ 100 / day.

B:Dose the charge include everyting?


B:Do you require a deposit?


A:No, You can pay when you check out.

book 词典解释

1. 书;书籍;本子;簿册
    A book is a number of pieces of paper, usually with words printed on them, which are fastened together and fixed inside a cover of stronger paper or cardboard. Books contain information, stories, or poetry, for example.


    e.g. His eighth book came out earlier this year and was an instant best-seller...
    e.g. 'Robinson Crusoe' is one of the most famous books in the world.

2. 一册(邮票);一纸板(火柴);一本(票券)
    A book of something such as stamps, matches, or tickets is a small number of them fastened together between thin cardboard covers.

    e.g. Can I have a book of first class stamps please?

3. 订,预订(旅馆房间、票等)
    When you book something such as a hotel room or a ticket, you arrange to have it or use it at a particular time.

    e.g. British officials have booked hotel rooms for the women and children...
    e.g. Laurie revealed she had booked herself a flight home last night.

4. (公司或组织机构的)账册,账簿,名册
    A company's or organization's books are its records of money that has been spent and earned or of the names of people who belong to it.

    e.g. For the most part he left the books to his managers and accountants...
    e.g. Around 12 per cent of the people on our books are in the computing industry.

5. (足球裁判)记名警告(严重犯规的球员)
    When a referee books a football player who has seriously broken the rules of the game, he or she officially writes down the player's name.

    e.g. League referee Keith Cooper booked him in the first half for a tussle with the goalie.

6. (警察)把…记录在案,给…做笔录
    When a police officer books someone, he or she officially records their name and the offence that they may be charged with.

    e.g. They took him to the station and booked him for assault with a deadly weapon.

7. (《圣经》等长篇作品的)篇,卷,书
    In a very long written work such as the Bible, a book is one of the sections into which it is divided.

8. see also: booking;cheque book;phone book

9. 令人厌烦/令人满意
    If you are in someone's bad books, they are annoyed with you. If you are in their good books, they are pleased with you.

    e.g. Sir John was definitely in the Treasury's bad books for incorrect thinking on economic prospects...
    e.g. Right from my very first day I seemed to be in everyone's good books.

10. 将…依法治罪;审讯;审问
    If you bring someone to book, you punish them for an offence or make them explain their behaviour officially.

    e.g. Police should be asked to investigate so that the guilty can be brought to book soon.

11. 完全不了解的人;一无所知的事物;谜
      If you say that someone or something is a closed book, you mean that you do not know anything about them.

      e.g. Frank Spriggs was a very able man but something of a closed book...
      e.g. Economics was a closed book to him.

12. (旅馆、餐馆、剧院或交通工具)被预订一空,满座,客满
      If a hotel, restaurant, theatre, or transport service is fully booked, or booked solid, it is booked up.

      e.g. The car ferries from the mainland are often fully booked by February.

13. 依我看;根据我的观点
      In my book means 'in my opinion' or 'according to my beliefs'.

      e.g. The greatest manager there has ever been, or ever will be in my book, is retiring.

14. (当权者)对(违法者)从严惩罚
      If someone in authority throws the book at someone who has committed an offence, they give the offender the greatest punishment that they are allowed to.


15. to cook the books -> see cook
      to take a leaf from someone's book -> see leaf

相关词组:book in

book 单语例句

1. A Guangzhou man surnamed Tang wanted to take his shoe repairing business to a new level so he's written a book.

2. He hopes his book offers insights into business management and personal life.

3. That book concentrated on theories while Capital Ideas Evolving shows how these theories have become fundamental structure in the investment business.

4. Hailed by critic Bai Ye as " probably the best Chinese novel on extramarital affairs ", the book tells of a single businesswoman and a married university professor.

5. During this period you are well advised to book ahead to avoid disappointment, as they get very busy.

6. The former butler is now publishing a book entitled " A Royal Duty " in which some of the letters are included.

7. Martinez remembers being enamored by the story of the butterfly lovers in a book of Chinese mythological tales as a boy.

8. As a result, tens of thousands of Potter fans flocked to buy the book via popular websites.

9. Customers who are interested cannot buy off the shelf and will need to book in advance.

10. So eager fans will not have to miss a day off school or work to buy the new book.

book 英英释义


1. physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together

    e.g. he used a large book as a doorstop

    Synonym: volume

2. a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge

    e.g. he bought a book of stamps

3. a major division of a long written composition

    e.g. the book of Isaiah

4. a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together)

    e.g. I am reading a good book on economics

5. a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone

    e.g. Al Smith used to say, `Let's look at the record'
           his name is in all the record books

    Synonym: recordrecord book

6. a written version of a play or other dramatic composition
    used in preparing for a performance

    Synonym: scriptplayscript

7. a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made

    e.g. they run things by the book around here

    Synonym: rule book

8. a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card game

9. a record in which commercial accounts are recorded

    e.g. they got a subpoena to examine our books

    Synonym: ledgerlegeraccount bookbook of account


1. engage for a performance

    e.g. Her agent had booked her for several concerts in Tokyo

2. record a charge in a police register

    e.g. The policeman booked her when she tried to solicit a man

3. arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance

    e.g. reserve me a seat on a flight
           The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family
           please hold a table at Maxim's

    Synonym: reservehold

4. register in a hotel booker

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