大学英语六级英语单词大全 大学英语六级英语单词 大学英语六级英语词汇 大学英语六级单词大全 大学英语六级英语词汇大全
《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 A 〕
- a multitude of
- a trifle
- abnormal
- abolish
- abortion
- abrupt
- absurd
- abundance
- accessory
- accommodate
- acquaint
- activate
- addict
- adhere
- adjacent
- adjoin
- administer
- adolescent
- adore
- adverse
- aerial
- aesthetic
- affiliate
- affirm
- afflict
- aggravate
- agony
- agreeable
- air-conditioning
- aisle
- album
- alien
- alienate
- allege
- alleviate
- alloy
- alternate
- ambitious
- ambiguous
- amend
- ammunition
- ample
- amplify
- analogy
- analytic
- analytical
- angel
- anonymous
- apparatus
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 B 〕
- bachelor
- buck
- buck up
- bud
- bug
- bull
- bulletin
- bully
- burial
- bust
- buzz
- by analogy
- by courtesy of
- by the same token
- bypass
- badge
- baffle
- bald
- ballet
- ballot
- blaze a trail
- bamboo
- bandage
- banquet
- barren
- basement
- batch
- batter
- beforehand
- belly
- betray
- bewilder
- bias
- bibliography
- biography
- bizarre
- blaze
- bleak
- bless
- blink
- briefcase
- blossom
- blunder
- blunt
- blur
- blush
- bonus
- booklet
- bowel
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 C 〕
- cafeteria
- calcium
- cane
- cannon
- canvas
- cape
- calorie
- cathedral
- cater
- capsule
- caption
- captive
- cardinal
- carve
- carve out
- carve up
- casualty
- catastrophe
- Catholic
- caution
- ceramic
- cavity
- cemetery
- census
- cereal
- certainty
- certify
- champagne
- chant
- chapel
- cherish
- cholesterol
- chord
- chorus
- chronic
- chunk
- circulation
- circus
- clamp
- clamp down on
- clan
- clarity
- clasp
- clearance
- climax
- clip
- clockwise
- clone
- closet
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 D 〕
- dart
- database
- dazzle
- deadly
- dean
- decimal
- decisive
- decree
- dedicate
- deduce
- deduct
- deem
- default
- defendant
- defiance
- deficiency
- deficit
- definitive
- defy
- degenerate
- degrade
- denial
- denounce
- dentist
- depict
- deport
- deprive
- descendant
- descent
- designate
- despatch
- despise
- destined
- destiny
- destructive
- detach
- detain
- deteriorate
- deviate
- diagnose
- differentiate
- diffuse
- dignity
- dilemma
- diligent
- dilute
- diminish
- dine out
- diploma
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 E 〕
- exceptional
- excerpt
- execution
- exemplify
- exempt
- exile
- exotic
- expedition
- expel
- expend
- expenditure
- expertise
- expire
- explicit
- exposition
- exquisite
- extinct
- extinguish
- extract
- extravagant
- empirical
- emigrate
- embody
- embed
- Easter
- eccentric
- eclipse
- ecology
- edible
- ego
- eject
- elapse
- electrician
- elevate
- elicit
- eligible
- elite
- eloquent
- embark
- enclosure
- endow
- endeavour
- endeavor
- enrich
- enlighten
- engagement
- energetic
- envisage
- entrepreneur
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 F 〕
- facet
- fabricate
- feeble
- federation
- feat
- fall prey to
- facilitate
- fusion
- fake
- fascinate
- feast
- fellowship
- feminine
- ferry
- finite
- first and foremost
- fitting
- fixture
- flank
- flap
- flatter
- flutter
- fluctuate
- flip
- fling
- flaw
- flatter oneself
- forerunner
- foremost
- foresee
- flare
- flush
- foil
- formidable
- formulate
- fort
- forthcoming
- forum
- fossil
- foster
- friction
- fringe
- fuse
- fury
- foul
- foul up
- fracture
- fragile
- fragrance
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 G 〕
《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 H 〕
《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 I 〕
- identification
- ideology
- idiom
- idiot
- ignite
- illuminate
- illusion
- imaginative
- imitation
- immerse
- immune
- impair
- impart
- imperative
- imperial
- impetus
- implicit
- impulse
- in abundance
- in all probability
- in chorus
- in collaboration with
- in default of
- in defiance of
- in duplicate
- in essence
- in full blossom
- in hot pursuit
- in miniature
- in retrospect
- in the interim
- in the aggregate
- in the midst of
- in the vicinity of
- in tow
- inaugurate
- incentive
- incidentally
- inclusive
- incorporate
- incur
- indefinite
- indicative
- indignant
- indignation
- induce
- indulge
- inertia
- infectious
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 J 〕
《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 L 〕
《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 M 〕
- magistrate
- magnify
- magnitude
- majesty
- mall
- maneuver
- manifest
- manipulate
- manoeuvre
- mansion
- manuscript
- marble
- marginal
- marsh
- marshal
- masculine
- massacre
- masterpiece
- meadow
- medieval
- melody
- memorise
- memorize
- menace
- mercury
- merge
- messenger
- metallic
- metropolitan
- midst
- migrant
- migrate
- militant
- millionaire
- mingle
- miniature
- minibus
- minimal
- minimise
- minimize
- mint
- misery
- missionary
- mistress
- moan
- mob
- mobilise
- mobilize
- mock
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 N 〕
《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 O 〕
- oak
- oath
- obscene
- obscure
- odor
- odour
- of the essence
- offset
- offspring
- olive
- on impulse
- on oath
- on the blink
- on the brink of
- on the threshold of
- on the verge of
- opaque
- oppress
- optimism
- optimum
- orient
- oriental
- orientation
- originate
- ornament
- orthodox
- outbreak
- outfit
- outrage
- overflow
- overhear
- overlap
- overpass
- overt
- overturn
- overwhelm
- overwhelming
- owl
- oxide
- ozone
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 P 〕
- pact
- partition
- pastime
- pamphlet
- paperback
- paradise
- paradox
- paralyse
- paralyze
- parameter
- parasite
- participant
- pastry
- pasture
- patent
- pathetic
- patriot
- patriotic
- patrol
- pave
- pave the way for
- peanut
- pearl
- pedal
- pedestrian
- peel
- peel off
- peg
- peg away at
- pendulum
- penguin
- peninsula
- perfection
- perfume
- periodic
- periodical
- perish
- permeate
- permissible
- perpetual
- perplex
- persistent
- persuasion
- petition
- petty
- physiological
- pilgrim
- pirate
- pistol
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 Q 〕
《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 R 〕
- racket
- radiant
- radiate
- radioactive
- radius
- random
- rap
- rape
- rash
- reap
- reassure
- rebellion
- recede
- recipe
- recipient
- reciprocal
- recite
- reckless
- reclaim
- reconcile
- reconciliation
- rectangular
- rectify
- recur
- recycle
- redundant
- reel
- reel off
- referee
- refrain
- refreshment
- refuge
- refund
- refute
- regiment
- rehearsal
- reign
- rein
- rein in
- rejoice
- resent
- resemblance
- reproach
- relay
- reliance
- relish
- remainder
- remnant
- renaissance
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 S 〕
- sacred
- safeguard
- salute
- salvation
- saturate
- scar
- scent
- sceptical
- scorn
- scramble
- scrap
- scrub
- scrutiny
- sculpture
- seam
- seemingly
- segregate
- sensation
- sentiment
- sergeant
- serial
- setback
- shabby
- shaft
- shark
- shatter
- shepherd
- shipment
- shove
- shove off
- shrub
- shutter
- shuttle
- siege
- sieve
- signify
- silicon
- simulate
- simultaneous
- sip
- situated
- skeleton
- skeptical
- skip
- skull
- slack
- slash
- slaughter
- slick
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 T 〕
- tablet
- tack
- take gamble
- take in one's stride
- tan
- tangle
- tangle with
- tanker
- tease
- telecommunications
- temperament
- tempo
- tempt
- tenant
- tentative
- terminate
- terrace
- terrain
- terrific
- terrify
- testify
- testimony
- texture
- thanksgiving
- theft
- thereafter
- thermal
- thesis
- thigh
- thorn
- threshold
- thrill
- tick
- tick away
- tickle
- tile
- tilt
- timely
- timid
- to all intents and purposes
- to perfection
- token
- tolerant
- toll
- toss
- tow
- toxic
- tract
- trademark
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《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 U 〕
《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 V 〕
《大学英语六级英语单词大全》〔 W 〕