
boost是什么意思 boost在线翻译 boost什么意思 boost的意思 boost的翻译 boost的解释 boost的发音 boost的同义词 boost的反义词 boost的例句

boost [bu:st]  [bust] 


boost 基本解释

及物动词增加; 促进,提高; 吹捧; 向上推起

不及物动词宣扬; [美国俚语](尤指在商店)行窃,偷窃

名词提高,增加; 帮助; 吹捧; 加速[助推]器

boost 相关例句


1. boost是什么意思

1. We need to boost our spirits.

2. Boost me into the saddle.

3. The company boosted its sales this year.


1. boost在线翻译

1. He gave me a boost over the fence.

boost 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 增压:涡轮增压(turbo) 的特点是压力高,以提高马力为主,但由于涡轮是靠汽车排放的围棋来推动的, 所以有增压(boost)缓慢的感觉,一般是在3000rmp起,(不同尺寸的的涡轮启动转速不同, 越小越灵敏,相反越大约迟) 但是三菱车所惯用延迟点火系统解决了这个问题,

2. 提高:也就是说,用户向搜索引擎发出一个查询,搜索引擎返回搜索结果,记录用户针对这个查询点击过哪些网页,点击过的网页会被认为在某种程度上是和这个查询相关的网页,在下次另外一个用户发出同一查询的时候,可能会提高(boost)这些用户点击过的网

boost 词典解释

1. 使增长;推动;改进;使兴旺
    If one thing boosts another, it causes it to increase, improve, or be more successful.


    e.g. It wants the government to take action to boost the economy...
    e.g. The move is designed to boost sales during the peak booking months of January and February.

2. 增强,提高(信心或士气)
    If something boosts your confidence or morale, it improves it.

    e.g. We need a big win to boost our confidence...
    e.g. Do what you can to give her confidence and boost her morale.

boost 单语例句

1. The official said the launch of margin trading and short selling business will help boost the efficiency of the capital markets.

2. The demand for business software among Chinese SMEs is growing as more and more of them seek to boost their efficiency.

3. Economists said that rebounds in both the official and the HSBC indicators in October represented a considerable boost to business manager confidence in coming quarters.

4. This development has helped the domestic banks to expand their loan portfolios to multinationals and provided a business boost for foreign banks operating in China.

5. Soaring gold prices and better business management helped boost its profits, the company said in a statement filed with the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

6. Any business opportunity with those companies could be a great boost for our portfolio companies.

7. The commission said that it " supports and encourages " companies to buy back shares, saying such transactions help boost investors confidence.

8. Overseas fund managers did not buy into expectations in some quarters that the yuan's revaluation would boost the Chinese equity market.

9. Analysts said the latest circular is timely and will boost a sound development of the online group buying industry.

10. Hundreds of Beijing students are hitting the gym in a desperate bid to boost their chances of being accepted by the school of their choice.

boost 英英释义


1. the act of giving hope or support to someone

    Synonym: encouragement

2. the act of giving a push

    e.g. he gave her a boost over the fence

3. an increase in cost

    e.g. they asked for a 10% rise in rates

    Synonym: risehikecost increase


1. give a boost to
    be beneficial to

    e.g. The tax cut will boost the economy

2. increase or raise

    e.g. boost the voltage in an electrical circuit

    Synonym: advancesupercharge

3. push or shove upward, as if from below or behind

    e.g. The singer had to be boosted onto the stage by a special contraption

4. increase

    e.g. The landlord hiked up the rents

    Synonym: hikehike up

5. contribute to the progress or growth of

    e.g. I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom

    Synonym: promoteadvancefurtherencourage

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