
booster是什么意思 booster在线翻译 booster什么意思 booster的意思 booster的翻译 booster的解释 booster的发音 booster的同义词 booster的反义词

booster [ˈbu:stə(r)]  [ˈbustɚ] 


booster 基本解释

名词(电器的)增压机; 助推器,多级火箭的第一级; 热情的支持者

booster 网络解释

1. 增强器:其中,3.5GeV增强器(Booster)是我国自主设计建造的第一台重复频率为2Hz的电子同步加速器,周长为180米,它的主要作用是将从直线加速器注入的150MeV电子束能量提升到3.5GeV,并注入到储存环中.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 增压器:增压器 (BOOSTER) 用来提高摄影灯光电压伏数的一种发电机. 作者论 (AUTEUR THEORY) 西文从文艺评论移植过来的一种电影批评理论. 根据这一理论,一个导演如果说在其一系列作品中表现出题材和风格上的某种一贯的特征,

3. booster在线翻译

3. 布斯特:白(1只)布斯特 ( booster ) 材料:白兰地(2.3 盎司)、橙皮利口酒(0.5 盎司)、蛋白(1只)彩虹酒 (pousse caff ) 材料:红糖油(适量)、蓝糖油(适量)、咖啡甜酒(适量)、白兰地(适量)异国情调 (exorcist cocktail ) 材料: 特吉拉酒(0.5 盎司) 巴罗洛柑桂酒(0.25 盎司) 冰块王子 ( pousse caffe ) 材料: 糖浆(1盎司)、石榴红糖浆(1盎

booster 词典解释

1. 有正面效果的事物;起推动作用的事物
    A booster is something that increases a positive or desirable quality.

    e.g. It was amazing what a morale booster her visits proved...
    e.g. Praise is a great confidence booster.

2. 火箭助推器;推进器
    A booster is an extra engine in a machine such as a space rocket, which provides an extra amount of power at certain times.

    e.g. Ground controllers will then fire the booster, sending the satellite into its proper orbit.

3. 加强剂量
    A booster is a small injection of a drug that you have some time after a larger injection, in order to make sure that the first injection will remain effective.


4. 拥护者;热心支持者
    A booster is someone who supports a sports team, organization, person, or place very enthusiastically.

    e.g. A former associate of Mr. Pierce's was among the project's boosters.
    e.g. ...the university's biggest athletic booster club.

booster 单语例句


1. The organizational and operational skills are more mature, and its function as a booster for Asia's rejuvenation is more powerful than ever.

2. Armstrong has denied reports in the French media this week that he used a banned blood booster in his first tour victory in 1999.

3. This news has come as a booster shot for the pharmaceutical sector, said analysts.

4. Holes remain in the massive Vehicle Assembly Building, where space shuttles are attached to their booster rockets and external fuel tanks before launch.

5. Strong growth in the number of Chinese tourists was a major booster of Thai tourism, a TAT spokesperson said.

6. There's even a little booster seat so a dog can see out of the window, with an attachment to keep the animal from jumping around.

7. The rocket has dropped two booster stages to the east and west of Japan, according to the Japanese Defense Ministry.

8. An estimated one million people gathered from all over the state to see the giant Saturn 5 booster rocket blast off.

9. " That's another confidence booster for us, " Anthony said.

10. Wednesday's test was also to have been the first in which the interceptor used the same booster rocket that the operational system would use.

booster 英英释义


1. an additional dose that makes sure the first dose was effective

    Synonym: booster dosebooster shotrecall dose

2. the first stage of a multistage rocket

    Synonym: booster rocketbooster unittakeoff boostertakeoff rocket

3. an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal

    Synonym: booster amplifierbooster stationrelay linkrelay stationrelay transmitter

4. a thief who steals goods that are in a store

    Synonym: shoplifterlifter

5. someone who is an active supporter and advocate

    Synonym: promoterplugger

6. a person who backs a politician or a team etc.

    e.g. all their supporters came out for the game
           they are friends of the library

    Synonym: supporterprotagonistchampionadmirerfriend

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