
bootleg是什么意思 bootleg在线翻译 bootleg什么意思 bootleg的意思 bootleg的翻译 bootleg的解释 bootleg的发音 bootleg的同义词 bootleg的反义词

bootleg [ˈbu:tleg]  [ˈbutˌlɛɡ] 


bootleg 基本解释

动词非法制造或贩卖; 违禁卖[贩,酿,运]酒; 偷安线路; 假传进攻

形容词私酿的; 非法制造或贩卖的; 违法的; 违禁的

名词(尤指在音乐会上录制的)私制唱片; 违禁的酒; 靴帮; 四分卫假传进攻

bootleg 网络解释

1. 盗版:它包含的范围有:替换版 (alternate)、盗版 (bootleg)、骇客版 (hack)、解密版 (decypted)、衍生版 (derivative)、复制版、开发版、相容版、授权版、其它区域版、其它语言版等.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 私制唱片:私制唱片(Bootleg) 这是一种更不正式的唱片了,而且根本就不是合法的东西. 它是由歌迷自己在现场用录音机或摄象机偷偷录制的,也有的是乐队未发表的录音室作品被偷出后翻制的,这种私制唱片通常制作粗糙,但也不乏精品. 在国外,

3. 私卖(酒):foundry practice 铸造生产 | bootleg 私卖(酒) | fleshly 肉体的, 肉欲的, 耽于声色的, 肉感的

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 拒爆炮眼:boosting 局部通风 | bootleg 拒爆炮眼 | booze 铅矿

bootleg 词典解释

1. 非法制造贩卖的
    Bootleg is used to describe something that is made secretly and sold illegally.

    e.g. ...a bootleg recording of the band's 1977 tour of Scandinavia.
    e.g. ...bootleg liquor.

2. 非法制造贩卖(唱片等)
    To bootleg something such as a recording means to make and sell it illegally.

    e.g. He has sued a fan for bootlegging his concerts...
    e.g. Avid Bob Dylan fans treasure bootlegged recordings.

Bootleggers sold 75 million dollars-worth of copies.

bootleg 单语例句

1. An adulterated batch of bootleg liquor has killed at least 100 drinkers in eastern India, with dozens more arriving at a cramped rural hospital with poisoning symptoms.

2. Bootleg videos and DVDs of films banned by the state are widely available on the black market.

3. His last small theatre production was " Bootleg Faust " at the end of 2000.

4. Despite warnings that up to 80 percent of smuggled iPhones on the market are fake, there is strong demand for bootleg handsets in Beijing.

5. Authorities in Ecuador have banned the sale of alcohol in a community where 21 people have died after drinking bootleg liquor.

6. There is no indication that the rapper was complicit in the release of the bootleg song.

7. According to an official account, the bootleg tobacco was seized according to law.


bootleg 英英释义


1. the part of a boot above the instep

2. whiskey illegally distilled from a corn mash

    Synonym: moonshinecorn liquor



1. produce or distribute illegally

    e.g. bootleg tapes of the diva's singing

2. sell illicit products such as drugs or alcohol

    e.g. They were bootlegging whiskey


1. distributed or sold illicitly

    e.g. the black economy pays no taxes

    Synonym: blackblack-marketcontrabandsmuggled

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