
bother是什么意思 bother在线翻译 bother什么意思 bother的意思 bother的翻译 bother的解释 bother的发音 bother的同义词 bother的反义词 bother的例句

bother [ˈbɒðə(r)]  [ˈbɑ:ðə(r)] 


bother 基本解释


及物动词烦恼; 烦扰,打扰; 使…不安,使…恼怒; 使迷惑

不及物动词麻烦; 烦恼; 操心

名词麻烦,操心; 累赘; 烦扰,吵闹; 讨厌的人

bother 相关例句


1. I can't bother him with my little affairs.

2. Will it bother you if I turn the television on?


1. Don't bother about that trifling matter.


1. We had a lot of bother finding our way to his house.

2. bother的反义词

2. Tom is a bother to his teacher.

bother 情景对话


A:Do you know what we’re supposed to wear to the party this evening?

B:I don’t know. I was just going to go in a pair of shorts and my blue Hawaiian shirt. What were you going to wear?

A:I was going to wear my new suit that I bought last week.

B:That’s a little dressy, isn’t it?

A:Your outfit is a little too casual, isn’t it?


B:I don’t know. I thought it was an outdoor barbeque.

A:Well, it is, but it’s for a special occasion.

B:Surely they wouldn’t expect us to dress up if we were going to be outside.

A:I think it’s a catered barbeque though. I think it’s going to be quite fancy.

B:Well, if you think we should dress up, I’ll dress up.


A:I don’t know. I don’t want to be overdressed.

B:Do you think we should call to ask about the dress code?

A:I don’t want to bother them with our silly questions.

B:Why don’t we call some of the other people who are going? We can ask them what they’re going to wear.


A:Ok. You talk to the guys and I’ll talk to the women.

B:How about you talk to the women for both of us and I’ll go take a quick nap?



bother 网络解释

1. 打扰:亚当心理阴影(adumbrate),窝转脊椎动物(vertebrate)一个搅动不安(agitate),爱花花儿愤怒(irritate),离开浮于空中(levitate),啪啪心儿跳动(palpitate)有花的是兄弟(brother),没花的是打扰(bother),兄弟无人是肉汤(broth),

2. 兄弟:主题:求兄弟(bother)的原版歌词求兄弟(bother)的原版歌词求兄弟(bother)的原版歌词,知道得请帮帮忙!!!!

3. 扰乱,烦恼:beg请求 | bother扰乱,烦恼 | eare关心,喜欢

bother 词典解释

1. 操心;费力;麻烦
    If you do not bother to do something or if you do not bother with it, you do not do it, consider it, or use it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.

    e.g. Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days...
    e.g. Most of the papers didn't even bother reporting it...

2. 麻烦;不便;麻烦事
    Bother means trouble or difficulty. You can also use bother to refer to an activity which causes this, especially when you would prefer not to do it or get involved with it.

    e.g. I usually buy sliced bread — it's less bother...
    e.g. The courts take too long and going to the police is a bother...

3. 麻烦(用于淡化问题的严重性)
    You use bother to refer to serious trouble, usually when you want to make it sound less serious than it really is.

    e.g. Vince is having a spot of bother with the law.

4. (使)烦恼;(使)担忧;(使)不安
    If something bothers you, or if you bother about it, it worries, annoys, or upsets you.

    e.g. Is something bothering you?...
    e.g. That kind of jealousy doesn't bother me...

I was bothered about the blister on my hand...
I'm not bothered if he has another child.

5. 打扰;烦扰
    If someone bothers you, they talk to you when you want to be left alone or interrupt you when you are busy.

    e.g. We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me...
    e.g. I don't know why he bothers me with this kind of rubbish.

6. 见鬼;真讨厌
    Some people say 'bother' or 'bother it' when they are annoyed about something.


7. 不愿找麻烦;不想出力
    If you say that you can't be bothered to do something, you mean that you are not going to do it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.


    e.g. I just can't be bothered to look after the house...
    e.g. Doctors cannot be bothered to explain what they do.

8. 这不麻烦;不费事;没什么
    If you say 'it's no bother' after offering to do something for someone, you are emphasizing that you really want to do it and that it will take very little effort.

    e.g. I'll drive you back to your hotel later. It's no bother.

9. hot and bothered -> see hot

bother 单语例句

1. Why bother buying from foreign mines where the price could be higher?

2. We won't know whether the forecasts are accurate until the next year, but by then few would bother to recall.

3. But I guess such details would not bother those intent on painting the Chinese actress as " a traitor to her own country ".

4. He was hospitalized in the first week with a shin injury that continued to bother him despite cortisone injections and acupuncture treatments.

5. Some of them do not even bother to check whether the news they get is true before publishing it.

6. Employers wouldn't need to bother with clocking in and clocking out systems.

7. I won't come again since I don't want to bother him.

8. The number of people who bother to come out and exercise can be counted on one hand.

9. The city's high housing prices and high cost of living bother me every day.

10. It is such a matter of course that neither the giver nor the receiver bother to give it a second thought.

bother 英英释义



1. something or someone that causes trouble
    a source of unhappiness

    e.g. washing dishes was a nuisance before we got a dish washer
           a bit of a bother
           he's not a friend, he's an infliction

    Synonym: annoyancebotherationpaininflictionpain in the neckpain in the ass

2. an angry disturbance

    e.g. he didn't want to make a fuss
           they had labor trouble
           a spot of bother

    Synonym: fusstroublehassle


1. cause annoyance in
    disturb, especially by minor irritations

    e.g. Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
           It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves

    Synonym: annoyragget toget atirritaterilenarknettlegravelvexchafedevil

2. make confused or perplexed or puzzled

3. make nervous or agitated

    e.g. The mere thought of her bothered him and made his heart beat faster

4. intrude or enter uninvited

    e.g. Don't bother the professor while she is grading term papers

5. take the trouble to do something
    concern oneself

    e.g. He did not trouble to call his mother on her birthday
           Don't bother, please

    Synonym: trouble oneselftroubleinconvenience oneself

6. to cause inconvenience or discomfort to

    e.g. Sorry to trouble you, but...

    Synonym: troubleput outinconveniencedisobligediscommodeincommode

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