
bout是什么意思 bout在线翻译 bout什么意思 bout的意思 bout的翻译 bout的解释 bout的发音 bout的同义词 bout的反义词 bout的例句 bout的相关词组

bout [baʊt]  [baʊt] 


bout 基本解释

名词拳击(或摔跤)比赛; 一段(工作); (尤指坏事的)一通; (疾病的)发作

bout 相关例句


1. bout在线翻译

1. He had a long bout of illness last year.

2. He beat his opponent at one bout.

bout 网络解释

1. 回合:五 在大会医师的建议之下,因受伤而要使用绷带、护垫或吊带,须得到主审裁判的同意. 2、对打比赛的组织一 对打比赛可分为团体赛和个人赛. 个人赛依体重分量级和无限量级. 体重分级则细分为回合(Bout)赛. 回合赛也包括团体赛中的个.

2. 关于:112. IDK 我不知道. I don't know. | 113. BTW 顺便提一下. By the way. | 114. bout 关于 about

3. 发作:boulimia 贪食 | bout 发作 | boutonneuse fever 南欧斑疹热

4. 因公外出:VOut 签退 | BOUT 因公外出 | BLeave 公出

bout 词典解释

1. (疾病或不愉快情绪的)发作
    If you have a bout of an illness or of an unpleasant feeling, you have it for a short period.

    e.g. He was recovering from a severe bout of flu...
    e.g. I was suffering with a bout of nerves.

2. (不愉快之事大量发生的)一阵,一小段时间
    A bout of something that is unpleasant is a short time during which it occurs a great deal.


    e.g. The latest bout of violence has claimed twenty four lives...
    e.g. A half-hour daily walk can be more beneficial than one hard bout of exercise a week.

3. 拳击比赛;摔跤比赛
    A bout is a boxing or wrestling match.


    e.g. This will be his eighth title bout in 19 months.

4. (当about的第一个音节不发音时,有些作家以’bout或bout替代about)
    Some writers use 'bout or bout to represent about when the first syllable is not pronounced.

    e.g. How 'bout some coffee?...
    e.g. I just felt the need to write bout it, I guess.

bout 单语例句

1. Lakers thug Ron Artest and Pierce could cancel each other out in this heavyweight bout.

2. But the additional charge of money laundering and wire fraud the US filed against Bout to ensure his detention has ironically delayed the extradition process.

3. Bout was arrested in a Bangkok hotel during a sting operation in which undercover US agents posed as Colombian rebels.

4. About 12 percent said they had gone driving within two hours of their last bout of heavy drinking.

5. Striker Keiji Tamada scored the crucial equalizer after a prolonged bout of Uzbek pressure.

6. Given the high levels of excess capacity and unemployment in Europe and America, quantitative easing is unlikely to trigger a bout of inflation.

7. The final between Asia's two fencing rivals remained undecided until the last bout between China's Wang Jingzhi and Oh Eun Seok of South Korea.

8. Their third bout was judged a majority decision victory for the Filipino southpaw, despite Pacquiao's surprisingly unimpressive display.

9. China won another gold in a gripping men's team foil, beating South Korea in the very last bout.

10. The Australians played without Kewell, who was on crutches with a bout of gout.

bout 英英释义


1. an occasion for excessive eating or drinking

    e.g. they went on a bust that lasted three days

    Synonym: busttearbinge

2. a contest or fight (especially between boxers or wrestlers)

3. a period of illness

    e.g. a bout of fever
           a bout of depression

4. (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive

    Synonym: turnround

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