
brawn是什么意思 brawn在线翻译 brawn什么意思 brawn的意思 brawn的翻译 brawn的解释 brawn的发音 brawn的同义词 brawn的反义词 brawn的例句

brawn [brɔ:n]  [brɔn] 

brawn 基本解释

名词强壮的肌肉; 强健的体力; 碎猪肉冻

brawn 相关例句


1. The work requires brain as well as brawn.

brawn 网络解释

1. 大汉:与此同时激光鸟(Laserbeak)将这一信息报告给了威震天(Megatron),于是威 震天带领着他的狂派手下们攻击了铁皮他们的飞船,并杀害了飞船上所有的博派战士: 大汉(Brawn)、警车(Prowl)......

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 肌肉:趴下匍匐(creep)看小溪(creek)飞来戒指落边缘(fringe),看到戒指就谄媚(cringe),专家拿戒指设圈套(springe),小p变y注射器(syringe)飞来小鹿(fawn)怕典当(pawn),小蛇在前才产卵(spawn),不要肌肉(brawn)来草坪(lawn),

3. brawn的反义词

3. 体力:1.任何课程改革的理念都要建立在四个基本假设的基础上,即:(1)关于时代特征的假设:我们把这个时代叫做网络时代或知识经济时代,以信息技术为代表的高新技术使就业从体力(brawn)向脑力(brains)转移;

brawn 双语例句

1. Despite other chiefs of the Formula One Teams Association insisting that on-track issues are separate to FOTA's totally unified efforts, Renault boss Flavio Briatore could not hide his anger at Ross Brawn last weekend.

2. It is believed he also stayed in Melbourne on Sunday night - rather than fly to the Gold Coast for the next'V'concert - to help Brawn celebrate its Virgin-branded victory.

3. For in the struggle for survival, brawn often gives way to a brain that can outthink a competitor.

4. brawn什么意思

4. Massa told reporters in Australia that he believed Ferrari were in the mix of the chasing pack to Brawn GP, but the team's true competitive was hard to measure given the trouble they had making the tyres work for them in Melbourne.

5. The understanding is that the main reason that Schumacher decided to join Mercedes GP for his comeback is because of the relationship between himself and Mercedes GP team Ross Brawn.

6. His quick wits compensate for his lack of brawn.

7. You've got the brawn, I've got the brains

8. Many people say that Brawn started from zero and had fantastic success, but that is not true definitely.
    许多人说 BGP 是从零起步的,获得了空前的成功,那不完全正确。

9. So we may credit the achiever with brains, brawn or lucky breaks, and let ourselves off the hook because we fall short in all three.

10. The'team orders'saga has hotted up even more, with Rubens Barrichello threatening to quit Brawn GP if he is again the victim of team orders.

11. Unfortunately the Brawn is better without it, he said.

12. brawn的反义词

12. I'm into brain not brawn.

13. I am optimistic. We have tremendous momentum and the rest is up to us, said Brawn.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. It's a great stat but there are 12 races to go, the Brawn driver added.

15. brawn

15. Brawn: As part of my world travels I went to New Zealand for six weeks.

16. I am very proud that I will now drive for the new Mercedes team and work with Ross Brawn.

17. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

17. Ross Brawn readily admits that Suzuka could be tailor made for RBR, especially if it's cold and wet.

18. Mix'd tussled hay of head, beard, brawn, it shall be you!

19. Y/ m, P8 {! x, I% T By his forty-fifth summer, brawn and cunning had gained Conan of Cimmeria the throne of Aquilonia, jewel of the dreaming west.

20. brawn的意思

20. Jenson Button extended his lead in the drivers'world championship to 12 points over his Brawn teammate Rubens Barrichello, by winning the Bahrain grand prix in sweltering conditions on Sunday.

brawn 词典解释

1. 体力;膂力
    Brawn is physical strength.


    e.g. He's got plenty of brains as well as brawn.

2. 碎猪肉冻
    Brawn is a kind of food made from pieces of pork and jelly pressed together so that it is solid and can be sliced.


brawn 单语例句

1. Certainly it gave Brawn the early adopter advantage which they used to championship success.

2. Brawn will have a new front wing as well as other aerodynamic and rear suspension updates.

3. Yet again Red Bull Racing failed to score into a goal left open by the Brawn team.

4. The Detroit Free Press tagged the theme for this year's show as " Green or Brawn ".

5. This year's championship points table has hitherto been dominated by Jenson Button of the Brawn GP team.

6. It was a far cry from the last time Brawn was in such a position.

7. Renault's double world champion Fernando Alonso warned last month that Brawn could run away with the championship.

8. " This is very frustrating for us, " said Ferrari technical director Ross Brawn.

9. The German also said Honda's recruitment of former Ferrari technical director Ross Brawn was a step forward.

10. The Brazilian driver's heavy contact with the wall ended a torrid Saturday for the Brawn team.


brawn 英英释义


1. possessing muscular strength

    Synonym: brawninessmusclemuscularitysinewheftiness

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