
bread是什么意思 bread在线翻译 bread什么意思 bread的意思 bread的翻译 bread的解释 bread的发音 bread的同义词 bread的反义词 bread的例句

bread [bred]  [brɛd] 


bread 基本解释

名词面包; 食物; 营养,营养物; 生计


bread 相关词组


1. break bread with : 受到...的款待;

2. out of bread : 失业;

bread 相关例句


1. She breaded the pork chop before frying it.


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. Although his business is small, he makes good bread.

2. He earns his bread by writing.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. Peace alone could not bring bread to the masses.

4. How did you earn your daily bread when you were there?

bread 情景对话


A:Okay, Bob. I'M ready for beak-fast. Where's the coffee?


B:It's in that pan there. Jean broke the Silex last week, so I'm still boiling it.

A:It tastes like crankcase oil, but delicious.

B:That's good. You can always make beaskfast yourself if you don't like it.


A:What is the rebesides coffee?

B:I warmed a couple of bread roll, and your eggs are in the frying pan.


A:Say, what time is it? Is it really only seven-fifteen. My watch says eight-fifteen.


B:You forgot to set your watch back. Daylight saving time was over at midnight last night.

A:Gee.I could've slept another hour.



A:I don’t know what to do! I’ve been dieting for months and I just can’t seem to lose any weight!

B:Are you doing any exercise?

A:No, if I exercise, I get hungry, and then I end up eating too much.


B:I think that might be your problem.


A:Really? Why?


B:Well, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to exercise as well as watch what you eat.If you don’t eat enough, your body will start going into starvation mode.

A:So, what do you think I should do?

B:You should make sure to eat at least three meals a day. And, you make sure to eat a balanced diet—dairy, fruit, vegetables, meat or fish, and carbohy drates, like bread and pasta.

A:But I heard that if you just eat fruits and vegetables, you would lose weight quickly.

B:You might at first, but then you’ll get hungry and tired and you won’t be able to do much.

A:Maybe you’re right. I have been hungry and tired--and grumpy lately?

bread 网络解释

1. 麵包/麵飽:優格/乳果/酸奶/酸乳酪 yoghurt | 麵包/麵飽 bread | 土司麵包/吐司 toast

bread 词典解释

1. 面包
    Bread is a very common food made from flour, water, and yeast.


    e.g. ...a loaf of bread...
    e.g. ...bread and butter...

2. to know what side your bread is buttered on -> see butter

3. (通过工作等挣得的)钱财,金钱
    If you earn your bread doing a particular job or activity, you earn your money doing it.


    e.g. There's not a living soul in Colorado who doesn't depend for his bread on silver.

4. 给(鱼或肉)抹面包屑
    If food such as fish or meat is breaded, it is covered in tiny pieces of dry bread called breadcrumbs. It can then be fried or grilled.

    e.g. It is important that food be breaded just minutes before frying.

...breaded fish.

bread 单语例句

1. To stay healthy, only lightly spread your bread with margarine or butter.

2. Early versions of the dish were cooked in soup to make soup cake, like the early Tom Shanxi sliced bread flake dish.

3. They took blood samples from both groups two and six hours after they ate the chocolate and bread to measure their platelet activation.

4. But their table manners were less charming, with each bird snapping and pushing the others to have a nibble of the bread.

5. While the bread was soft and chewy, the chicken curry was quite boring.

6. Il Panino provides extremely generous portions of folded parma ham or chunky beef, thicker than the sliced bread on either side.

7. Pale gold in color with the aromas of toasted bread and citrus fruit, the producers also use the Champagne method.

8. Mince 1 garlic clove and add to the skillet with the bread crumbs.

9. Combined, they account for over 50 per cent of total bread consumption in China this year.

10. The Trentino cuisine features " polenta ", an Italian version of corn bread.

bread 英英释义


1. food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked

    Synonym: breadstuffstaff of life

2. informal terms for money

    Synonym: boodlecabbageclamsdinerodoughgeltkalelettucelollylucrelootmoolahpelfscratchshekelssimoleonssugarwampum



1. cover with bread crumbs

    e.g. bread the pork chops before frying them

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