
breakdown是什么意思 breakdown在线翻译 breakdown什么意思 breakdown的意思 breakdown的翻译 breakdown的解释 breakdown的发音 breakdown的同义词

breakdown [ˈbreɪkdaʊn]  [ˈbrekˌdaʊn] 


breakdown 基本解释

名词分解; 崩溃,倒塌; 损坏,故障; 垮,衰竭


breakdown 相关例句


1. breakdown

1. There has been a complete breakdown of law and order.

2. breakdown是什么意思

2. Please give me a breakdown of those income tax totals.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. She has had a nervous breakdown.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The accountant gave a breakdown of the expenses.

breakdown 网络解释

1. 击穿:介质阻挡放电通常是由正弦波型(sinusoidal)、交流(alternating current, AC)和高压电源驱动,随着供给电压的升高,系统中反应气体的状态会经历三个阶段的变化,即会由绝缘状态(insulation)逐渐至击穿(breakdown)最后发生放电.

2. 分解:剧组制片主任的一个主要任务就是分解(breakdown)剧本. 他们要彻头彻尾地研读剧本,决定每个制片部门所要负责的工作,并制成表格. 剧组制片主任在拍摄时一定要在场,并确定所需要的东西都已准备妥当. 当一家公司忘记准备制雾机时,

3. 崩溃:之后除1967年拍摄的一部侦探类型影片<<崩溃>>(breakdown)外,布里叶致力于写小说,一写就是七年布里叶是个尖刻的嘲世者,不惜用激烈的煽动、犬儒、甚至荒谬来挖苦世人.

breakdown 词典解释

1. (关系的)破裂;(计划、讨论等的)失败,结束
    The breakdown of something such as a relationship, plan, or discussion is its failure or ending.

    e.g. ...the breakdown of talks between the US and EU officials.
    e.g. ...the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage...

2. 神经衰弱;精神崩溃
    If you have a breakdown, you become very depressed, so that you are unable to cope with your life.

    e.g. My personal life was terrible. My mother had died, and a couple of years later I had a breakdown...
    e.g. They often seem depressed and close to emotional breakdown.

3. (汽车或机器的)故障,损坏
    If a car or a piece of machinery has a breakdown, it stops working.

    e.g. Her old car was unreliable, so the trip was plagued by breakdowns...
    e.g. If you stop on the hard shoulder, wait for the police or breakdown service.

4. 分类;细目列表
    A breakdown of something is a list of its separate parts.

    e.g. The organisers were given a breakdown of the costs.

breakdown 单语例句

1. The buying comes despite a breakdown in talks between Glazer and Cubic Expression over the American wanting to buy the Irish investors'stake.

2. " One guy I thought was going to have a nervous breakdown in the cereal aisle, " Putnam said.

3. The most severe problem is the breakdown of the jackstay, which directly led to the change of the plan.

4. Another passenger wrote that the public address system on the train kept explaining that the breakdown was due to the heavy rain.

5. They would have seen the breakdown of a communication barrier using the one language everyone shares - music.

6. " This caused the breakdown of the whole system at our control centre, " ERT said in a statement.

7. Some part of any breakdown may defy rational explanation, but those who know Nowak and NASA could sense the stress she was under.

8. Rescue operations were repeatedly hampered by dense gas, a pump breakdown and water leakage inside the flooded shaft.

9. Greenspan said he was in " a state of shocked disbelief " about the breakdown in the ability of banks to regulate themselves.

10. He also attempted to dispel suggestions his exit may in some way have been linked to the breakdown of the Kaka deal.

breakdown 英英释义



1. the act of disrupting an established order so it fails to continue

    e.g. the social dislocations resulting from government policies
           his warning came after the breakdown of talks in London

    Synonym: dislocation

2. an analysis into mutually exclusive categories

    Synonym: partitioning

3. a cessation of normal operation

    e.g. there was a power breakdown

    Synonym: equipment failure

4. a mental or physical breakdown

    Synonym: crack-up

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