
breaker是什么意思 breaker在线翻译 breaker什么意思 breaker的意思 breaker的翻译 breaker的解释 breaker的发音 breaker的同义词 breaker的反义词

breaker [ˈbreɪkə(r)]  [ˈbrekɚ] 


breaker 基本解释

名词[电]断路器; 破坏者,破碎者; 轧碎机,破碎机; 碎浪


breaker 网络解释

1. breaker的意思

1. 断电器:各国均将其列为危险性机械,针对於此,美国国家标准局(ANSI)亦於关,电磁接触器(magnetic contacter),保险丝及断电器(breaker)等部分

2. breaker的解释

2. 开关:以计算机而言,若传输线短路,所造成的结果只是数据的流失,但若是电源部份短路,所造成的结果轻则设备损坏,重则引起电线走火,因此,在电子设备中,有保险丝或是无溶丝开关(Breaker)诸如此类的保护设计,其目的就是要短路的危害.

3. 破壞者:游戏中一共分破坏者(Breaker)、剑士(Blader)、枪手(Gunslinger)和魔法师(Mage)四职. 其中近战类型的角色如破坏者和剑士可以透过基本攻击和技能的组合,施展出活泼连续的combo技,享受<>的绚丽特效!

breaker 词典解释

1. (尤指拍击海岸的)大浪花,大海浪
    Breakers are big sea waves, especially at the point when they just reach the shore.

breaker 单语例句


1. Doing so will often incur a resentful glare or even abusive language from the rule breaker and curious stares from onlookers.

2. I don't think I had an unforced error in the breaker, but I still lost it.

3. An ice detection team was formed on Tuesday to search for new routes due to the thick and condensed ice that stopped the ice breaker.

4. A circuit breaker is a mechanism to suspend a stock from trading for five minutes when it declines more than 10 percent within five minutes.

5. The component experienced circuit breaker trips December 8, possibly after being hit by a piece of space junk or micrometeorite.

6. The circuit breaker is a mechanism that interrupts the negotiations if the prices surpass established up and down limits.

7. Turkey's refusal to open its ports to EU member Cyprus has emerged as a deal breaker in its negotiations to join the European Union.

8. Described as " a deal breaker " it will require nations to come up with funds to ensure the global effort to fight climate change works.

9. More importantly, the composer has become an ice breaker in developing and promoting traditional Chinese percussion instruments.

10. The Russian hatch is about 80 feet from the bad circuit breaker, located on the American side of the station.

breaker 英英释义


1. a device that trips like a switch and opens the circuit when overloaded

    Synonym: circuit breaker

2. waves breaking on the shore

    Synonym: surfbreakers

3. a quarry worker who splits off blocks of stone

    Synonym: ledgeman

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