
breathless是什么意思 breathless在线翻译 breathless什么意思 breathless的意思 breathless的翻译 breathless的解释 breathless的发音 breathless的同义词

breathless [ˈbreθləs]  [ˈbrɛθlɪs] 

breathless 基本解释

形容词气喘吁吁的,喘不过气来的; (紧张得)屏住气息的; 透不过气的; 死的,气绝的

breathless 相关例句


1. The children were breathless as they watched the tightrope act.

2. The climb left him breathless.

3. The body lay breathless on the bed: there was no sign of life.

4. The climb made him breathless.

breathless 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 屏息的爱:全专辑歌词列表: 全专辑歌词展开 ...ezPeer+ 音乐下载、音乐试听、歌词、MP3、音乐网 - Shayne Ward (夏恩华德) - 屏息的爱 (Breathless) 专辑介绍夏恩华德( Shayne Ward ) 专辑列表 共有 2张专辑 32首歌词 ...

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 无法呼吸:金老虎大奖亦惊喜揭晓,来自伊朗的<<沉住气数到七>>(BE CALM AND COUNT TO SEVEN)、土耳其的<<错误的玫瑰经>>(WRONG ROSARY)和韩国的<<无法呼吸>>(BREATHLESS)成为14部作品中的最后3大赢家,

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 屏息:他的专辑<<屏息>>(Breathless)创下美国器乐类专辑销售纪录,仅在美国的销量便达到了1200万张. 另外1994年推出的节日专辑<<奇迹>>(Miracles)是历史上节日类专辑中销量最高的一个.

breathless 词典解释

1. 上气不接下气的;呼吸困难的;气喘吁吁的
    If you are breathless, you have difficulty in breathing properly, for example because you have been running or because you are afraid or excited.


    e.g. I was a little breathless and my heartbeat was bumpy and fast...
    e.g. We were breathless with anticipation.

'I'll go in,' he said breathlessly.
Asthma causes wheezing and breathlessness.

2. 令人喘不过气的
    You use breathless for emphasis when you are describing feelings of excitement or exciting situations.

    e.g. Technology has advanced at a breathless pace.
    e.g. ...the breathless excitement of early 1988, when hundreds and thousands of citizens gathered nightly for political meetings.

Nancy waited breathlessly for him to go on.

breathless 单语例句

1. There are also cute baby dinosaurs and breathless chase sequences to add to the fun.

2. But he would still turn breathless after just 10 minutes of walking.

3. The first Lethal Weapon was a hit that shrewdly mixed breathless editing with the genuine screen chemistry of its lead pair.

4. Laughter animated the faces of many wedding service agencies, despite their feeling breathless due to busy schedules.

5. Fabregas then hit the post with a curling effort as Arsenal went for the victory in a breathless finish.

6. While wife Michelle attracted breathless attention with every stop, fashionable outfit and sip of tea.

7. The clash between Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola and Argentine Marcelo Bielsa had been eagerly anticipated and produced a breathless encounter in Bilbao.

8. He was later found breathless in the sofa with a purple face.

9. He became breathless on Tuesday soon after returning to his dorm in Beijing.

10. She was breathless, and needed to sit in a wheelchair to be taken to hospital.

breathless 英英释义


1. appearing dead
    not breathing or having no perceptible pulse

    e.g. an inanimate body
           pulseless and dead

    Synonym: inanimatepulseless

2. not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty

    e.g. breathless at thought of what I had done
           breathless from running
           followed the match with breathless interest

    Synonym: dyspneicdyspnoeicdyspnealdyspnoeal

3. tending to cause suspension of regular breathing

    e.g. a breathless flight
           breathtaking adventure

    Synonym: breathtaking

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