
bristle是什么意思 bristle在线翻译 bristle什么意思 bristle的意思 bristle的翻译 bristle的解释 bristle的发音 bristle的同义词 bristle的反义词

bristle [ˈbrɪsl]  [ˈbrɪsəl] 


bristle 基本解释

名词刚毛; (猪等的)鬃毛; (动,植物的)短硬毛; (人的)胡须茬

不及物动词发怒; (像鬃毛似的)竖立; (因害怕、激怒等而)毛发直立; 密密地覆盖

及物动词使(毛发等像鬃毛似的)直立; 把…弄粗糙; 给(刷子等)安鬃毛; 使林立

bristle 相关例句


1. The rooster bristled his crest.

2. bristle

2. That brush is not adequately bristled for heavy cleaning.


1. His hair bristled with anger.

2. bristle在线翻译

2. The streets bristled with armed guards after the latest terrorist attack.

3. She bristled with anger at the mention of his name.


1. Bristles are used to make brushes.

bristle 网络解释

1. 刚毛:托叶具齿缘.开花枝只有皮刺(prickle),少数种类具硬刚毛(bristle)43 开花枝密布刚毛及皮刺(bristly and prickly), 不具刚毛(bristles)的少见,多少有刚毛.

2. 鬃毛:平头,软-鬃毛(bristle)笔也相当有用,2号和4号笔可用于最终的混色. 只要笔毛好而软就没必要买高品质的平头笔了. 可悲的是,颜料不是个如此有魔力的因素,选用何种颜料大概完全取决于自己的偏好. 我见过很多精彩的作品,

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 刺毛:细幼的刺毛的末端帮助刷干净牙齿的每一个部分和牙缝. 第三个练 :让已经拥有全部牙齿的孩子学 刷牙. 这个时候, 的孩子已经准备好使用他的第一支真正的牙刷和牙膏了. 胶做成的圆形的刺毛(bristle)刷头也是对婴儿牙龈不会 成伤害.

4. bristle在线翻译

4. 鬃:全身多刚劲的刺称为鬃(bristle) . 1.头部 呈三角形,中间的触角窝将头分为前头和后头两部分, 前头上方称额,下方称颊.触角藏于触角窝(antennal fossa)内,分 3 节,末节膨大.前头腹面有刺吸式口器.蚤头部有许多鬃,根据生 长部位称眼鬃,

bristle 词典解释

1. 胡子茬儿;(胡须剃后长出的)粗硬短须;(男子头顶处的)短发
    Bristles are the short hairs that grow on a man's chin after he has shaved. The hairs on the top of a man's head can also be called bristles when they are cut very short.


    e.g. ...two days' growth of bristles...
    e.g. He rubbed his hands over the soft bristles of his crew cut.

2. (刷子的)毛
    The bristles of a brush are the thick hairs or hair-like pieces of plastic which are attached to it.

    e.g. As soon as the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear, throw it out.

3. (动物身上的)鬃毛,刚毛
    Bristles are thick, strong animal hairs that feel hard and rough.


    e.g. It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles.

4. (因寒冷、恐惧或愤怒)毛发直立
    If the hair on a person's or animal's body bristles, it rises away from their skin because they are cold, frightened, or angry.

    e.g. It makes the hairs at the nape of the neck bristle...
    e.g. Cats yowl. My dog's hair bristles in response.

5. 发怒;生气
    If you bristle at something, you react to it angrily, and show this in your expression or the way you move.

    e.g. Ellis bristles at accusations that Berkeley's experiment is ill-conceived...
    e.g. He bristled with indignation at the suggestion that he was racist.

6. 充满;满是
    If you say that a place or thing bristles with people or with other things, you are emphasizing that it contains a great number of them.


    e.g. The country bristles with armed groups...
    e.g. The idea fairly bristles with controversy...

bristle 单语例句

1. You bristle when a friend or relative says something they think is innocuous.

2. " I bristle a little bit at the whole concept of'cutting corners, '" she said this week.

bristle 英英释义


1. a stiff hair

2. a stiff fiber (coarse hair or filament)
    natural or synthetic


1. react in an offended or angry manner

    e.g. He bristled at her suggestion that he should teach her how to use the program

2. rise up as in fear

    e.g. The dog's fur bristled
           It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!

    Synonym: uprisestand up

3. have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles

    e.g. bristling leaves

4. be in a state of movement or action

    e.g. The room abounded with screaming children
           The garden bristled with toddlers

    Synonym: aboundburst

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