
brokerage是什么意思 brokerage在线翻译 brokerage什么意思 brokerage的意思 brokerage的翻译 brokerage的解释 brokerage的发音 brokerage的同义词

brokerage [ˈbrəʊkərɪdʒ]  [ˈbroʊkərɪdʒ] 


brokerage 基本解释

名词经纪业; 佣金; 手续费; 经纪费

brokerage 相关例句


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. My brother had his hands full with his brokerage business.

2. brokerage在线翻译

2. To save brokerage fee, he decided to manage his own stocks.

brokerage 网络解释

1. 经纪费:拍卖行为交易的达成提供了服务,它要收取一定的报酬,通常称作佣金(Commission)或经纪费(Brokerage). 六 商品期货交易 (一)商品期货交易的含义及其特点 商品期货交易的含义 商品期货交易是在商品交易所早期的实货交易的基础上发展起来的一种特殊的交易方式,

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 经纪佣金:投资成本轻 外汇交易所涉及的税项和费用并不多,以股市为例,每一次买或卖出股票,都要支付印花税(Stamp Duty)、经纪佣金(Brokerage)和联交所徵费(Stock Exchange Levy)如果一手10万元的股票,不赚钱地一买一卖,就要付出数方面的手续费.

3. 经手费:除非经双方当事人的同意,任何一方不得随意变更,这种、(Per M/T)、CIF纽约 (CIF New York)佣金(Commission)又称经手费(Brokerage)是中间商介绍买卖而取得的报酬.

4. 佣金:投资成本轻 外汇交易所涉及的税项和费用并不多,以股市为例,每一次买或卖出股票,都要支付印花税(Stamp Duty)、经纪佣金(Brokerage)和联交所徵费(Stock Exchange Levy)如果一手10万元的股票,不赚钱地一买一卖,就要付出数方面的手续费.

brokerage 词典解释

1. 经纪公司;代理公司
    A brokerage or a brokerage firm is a company of brokers.

    e.g. ...Japan's four biggest brokerages.

2. (经纪人收取的)佣金,中介费,提成
    A brokerage fee or commission is the money charged by a broker for his or her services.

brokerage 单语例句


1. He also said Citigroup was keen to engage in brokerage business and would launch the operation once regulatory restrictions are removed.

2. CITIC Securities'business has still been expanding its business this year, even though China's brokerage sector is in the red for the fourth year running.

3. But it's impossible for a commercial bank to buy into a US brokerage at the moment.

4. The approval marks a key step toward UBS becoming the first foreign investment firm to buy directly into a Chinese brokerage.

5. Zhao has over 20 years of management experience in the property and casualty, brokerage and life insurance industries.

6. The brokerage said the carrier would boost profits for the next three years, helped by its Beijing base and larger Cathay stake.

7. The insurance intermediaries are defined as insurance brokerage firms, insurance agencies and insurance survey and loss adjuster companies incorporated outside China.

8. Inside, the brokerage has the air of a community center cum casino.

9. The brokerage now does not have a timetable to complete the restructuring, said one source with the company.

10. But most shares in brokerage and medical sectors dropped yesterday after a drastic advance last Friday triggered by Guilin Sanjin's upcoming listing.

brokerage 英英释义


1. place where a broker conducts his business

    Synonym: brokerage house

2. the business of a broker
    charges a fee to arrange a contract between two parties

3. a stock broker's business
    charges a fee to act as intermediary between buyer and seller

    Synonym: brokerage firmsecurities firm

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