
brooms是什么意思 brooms在线翻译 brooms什么意思 brooms的意思 brooms的翻译 brooms的解释 brooms的发音 brooms的同义词 brooms的反义词 brooms的例句



brooms 基本解释

扫帚( broom的名词复数 );金雀花;


brooms 网络解释

1. 扫帚:Plates 盘子 | Brooms扫帚 | String 线

2. 扫帚/刷子/墩布:Bathroom Accessories 浴室附属品 | Brooms 扫帚/刷子/墩布 | Cleaning Supplies 家用清洁用品

brooms 双语例句

1. And they had got rakes, and brooms, and pitchforks reaching into the pond; and the gentleman asked what was the matter.

2. This is a Formula One race on brooms!

3. brooms

3. A man who sold brooms went into a barber's shop to get shaved. The barber bought one of his brooms, and, when he had shaved him, asked for the price of it.

4. It was a janitor`s closet. There were brooms and mops all over.

5. They were hard at it with brooms and mops.

6. Clearing a rink required several hands on whisk brooms, and avoiding the revelers on pali, sleds with metal runners propelled with short stakes.

7. Baotianman Nature Reserve Tao like sea fog impaired Shu-yun, the path to protect the region have risen brooms cliffs, grazing the top Tiger, fossil sharp, the center stack and the natural landscape

8. brooms什么意思

8. Mr Emmons sells brooms and mops to people in this part of the city.

9. Cleaning items are also important, such as brooms and mops.

10. brooms的反义词

10. No Dame, not I I`m only mops and brooms.

11. Sisters dating dating school class, Luo Wei picked up brooms and summarized Kei clean inside and out again, Shua Shuashua, breathing could be heard a few.

12. Fisher's knee bucked; as he sat down hard; Anderson tripped over Fisher's legs and fell on top of him, as flump-bang-crunch- they heard the mean on brooms slam into the suspended car and fall, apparently insensible, to the ground, while broken bits of broomstick clattered down around them.

13. The business also has 2 mechanical brooms and high pressure steam cleaners/washers.

14. They can also buy things for their houses, such as pots, brooms and other things.

15. For me the brooms were very beautiful because of their very basic quality.

16. These brooms are used to clean the floor.

17. I`ll keep the brooms behind the door.

18. brooms

18. In addition we offer private label brooms with specific requirements.

19. Suppose he were still in a tailor shop on Vesey Street, with a bunch of pale, narrow-chested sons working on machines, all coming home tired and sullen to eat supper in a kitchen that was a parlour also; with another crowded, angry family quarrelling just across the dumb-waiter shaft, and squeaking pulleys at the windows where dirty washings hung on dirty lines above a court full of old brooms and mops and ash-cans..

20. brooms在线翻译

20. Screwed connection for handles and brooms; screw cap and screw plug

brooms 单语例句


1. The security guards seem to devote more of their time to chasing rats with brooms than saluting people with a smile.

2. Party and State leaders picked up brooms and joined Beijing residents in a campaign to clean up Beijing on October 31.

3. The transformed truck was made by a local cleaner with 16 brooms attached to an iron rotor at the rear of the vehicle.

4. In no hurry, we picked up brooms and helped sweep up at closing time.

5. In the past, the buses were cleaned using only brooms and cloths for the windows and doors.

6. The hillsides were lively with people coming and going, carrying flowers and brooms.

7. Some of the women protesters danced to the beat of drums while carrying brooms to " sweep " Arroyo out of office.

8. Hundreds of residents took up brooms to scour the already tidy streets.

9. Officials had to remove a light covering of sand from the court with brooms and blowers before Saturday's final could start.

10. At his peak, he was able to produce up to 100 brooms a day.

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