
browse是什么意思 browse在线翻译 browse什么意思 browse的意思 browse的翻译 browse的解释 browse的发音 browse的同义词 browse的反义词 browse的例句

browse [braʊz]  [braʊz] 


browse 基本解释

及物/不及物动词浏览; 吃草; 随意翻阅

名词浏览; 吃草; 放牧


browse 相关例句


1. Deer browsed the hillside.


1. Camels browse on trees as well as on ground cover.

2. I browsed through some magazines while I waited.


1. browse

1. I had a browse through the books on her shelf.

browse 网络解释

1. 检索:分类(浏览)检索(Browse)一般按照人为设定固定类目收录相关信息,检索时只需按照类目层层递进,遂层深入即可得到相关信息. 一般有按主题或字顺的方式组织分类. 其优点是简单明了,无需任何检索基础知识都能检索到相关信息,

2. 浏览器:VRML的访问方式是基于客户/服务器模式(见图1),其中服务器提供VRML文件(后缀为.wRL)及支持资源客户通过网络下载希望访问的文件,并通过本地平台上的VRML浏览器(Browse)交互式

browse 词典解释

1. (在商店里)随便看
    If you browse in a shop, you look at things in a fairly casual way, in the hope that you might find something you like.


    e.g. I stopped in several bookstores to browse...
    e.g. She browsed in an up-market antiques shop...

2. 浏览;翻阅
    If you browse through a book or magazine, you look through it in a fairly casual way.


    e.g. ...sitting on the sofa browsing through the TV pages of the paper...
    e.g. There are plenty of biographies for him to browse over.

3. (尤指使用电脑在万维网上)浏览信息
    If you browse on a computer, you search for information in computer files or on the Internet, especially on the World Wide Web.


    e.g. Try browsing around in the network bulletin boards.

4. (动物)吃草
    When animals browse, they feed on plants.


    e.g. ...the three red deer stags browsing 50 yards from my lodge on the fringes of the forest.

browse 单语例句

1. " I ceremoniously browse the Renren profiles of those who pass away, " he says.

2. " A lot of men browse child pornography websites and this influences their behaviour, " she said.

3. Three girls browse the display of a DC as they pose in their costumes in front of Fudan University in Shanghai.

4. The couple was spotted making a wedding list at Macy's in New York after store bosses agreed to let them browse after hours recently.

5. Ma said about seven million people browse the wedding directory on ESDlife every year.

6. Come along for a family day and brunch afternoon to browse through market wares and strike bargains.

7. It also has a branch in Mong Kok's Langham Place - where you can also enjoy La Dolce gelato as you browse.

8. Woodside has said it's received interest from potential buyers of a minority stake in Browse, without identifying them.

9. Most of that data might never be examined, but it would still be there if anyone cared to browse.

10. A person registering on the website can browse a total of 10 name cards.

browse 英英释义


1. the act of feeding by continual nibbling

    Synonym: browsing

2. reading superficially or at random

    Synonym: browsing

3. vegetation (such as young shoots, twigs, and leaves) that is suitable for animals to eat

    e.g. a deer needs to eat twenty pounds of browse every day



1. eat lightly, try different dishes

    e.g. There was so much food at the party that we quickly got sated just by browsing

    Synonym: graze

2. look around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular

    e.g. browse a computer directory
           surf the internet or the world wide web

    Synonym: surf

3. feed as in a meadow or pasture

    e.g. the herd was grazing

    Synonym: cropgrazerangepasture

4. shop around
    not necessarily buying

    e.g. I don't need help, I'm just browsing

    Synonym: shop

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