
bulbul是什么意思 bulbul在线翻译 bulbul什么意思 bulbul的意思 bulbul的翻译 bulbul的解释 bulbul的发音 bulbul的同义词 bulbul的反义词 bulbul的例句

bulbul ['bʊlbʊl]  ['bʊlbʊl] 

bulbul 基本解释


bulbul 网络解释

1. 鹎:也有人把上述所有种类或大多数种类放在鹎科(Pycnonotidae,参阅鹎(bulbul)条). 包括和平鸟在内的14种,只见於南亚和菲律宾. 体长1325公分(510吋),脚短小,嘴细长,可能略弯. 雀鹎属(Aegithina)体最小,颈部和腰部有毛状羽毛(似鹎).

2. bulbul

2. 夜莺:bulbous 球根的 | bulbul 夜莺 | Bulgaria 保加利亚

3. 细布:Bulbosan 三硝散杀菌剂 | bulbul 细布 | bulbus allii bakeri 野白头

4. 夜莺 鵯:bulbous geophyte 球茎地下芽植物 球莖植物 Y | bulbul 夜莺 鵯 N | bulk density 容重 總體密度; 土塊密度 Y

bulbul 双语例句

1. I think it's an African red-eyed bulbul.

2. I`m not a bulbul!

3. The first Chinese Bulbul shows up outside the window this year.

4. I am a bulbul, bright bulbul

5. The bird is Asia's first new species of bulbul, or songbird, in more than 100 years, said the Wildlife Conservation Society WCS

6. The avian community was relatively stable; Tree Sparrow and Light-vented Bulbul were predominant in the study period.

7. The advantage with avian season plants Qiu Dong to be mixed for tit of bulbul of starling of the silky luster of mercerized cotton fabrics, hoary head, yellow abdomen blackbird, in addition, big tit of bead neck culver, Xiaohe also have kinds bigger group.

8. At 10:30 of July 27, 2004, a Chinese she-bulbul with grey feather was flying across a street from a tree on the pavement in Baiyan Road of Wanzhou City, Chongqing, China. The bird ran bump against the windshield of a large bus.

9. HKBWS China Programme is going to produce a poster which will be used by bird watching societies in China to promote the 16 Chinese endemic bird species. These bird species include White-necklaced Partridge, Cabot`s Tragopan, Grey-hooded Parrotbill, Rusty-throated Parrotbill, Chinese Monal, Sichuan Jay, White-speckled Laughingthrush, Omei Shan Liocichla, Brown Eared-pheasant, Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush, Gold-fronted Fulvetta, Elliot`s Pheasant, Reeve`s Pheasant, Hainan Patridge, Hainan Leaf-warber and Taiwan Bulbul.

10. bulbul的意思

10. The similarity among songs from different habitats was analyzed by ANOSIM, SIMPER and MDS. Significant differences among Shu Yi Area, Chung Hsing University, and Taichung Metropolitan Park were found. The results of dendrogram- cluster analysis indicated the songs of Chinese bulbul had smaller dialect systems in the same site.
    经由ANOSIM、SIMPER与MDS相似度的分析,白头翁歌曲在树义地区、中兴大学与台中市都会公园间呈现显著差异;从dendrogram-cluster analysis的分群结果,发现白头翁歌曲呈现更小规模的方言系统。

11. The songs of Chinese bulbul showed smaller dialect systems among the 3 different environment noise habitats. The smaller dialect systems might be resulted from fragmented habitats. For transmitting messages successfully, Chinese bulbul contending with masking of anthropogenic noise by the higher minimum frequency, the lower maximum frequency, and the narrower band in the urban area.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. Most of the frequency(1455.99 ± 187.09 Hz to 3534.13 ± 301.53 Hz)of songs in Chinese bulbul are overlapped with environment noise(under 3000Hz). In order to study the impact of urban noise on the song performances of Chinese bulbul, this study was carried out at Taichung urban areas focusing on the difference of dialects between different environment noise habitats(Shu Yi Area, Chung Hsing University, Taichung Metropolitan Park) from March to November 2007. In addition to the 3 study sites, I sampled another 6 sites (Fengle Park, Taichung Park, Botanical Garden, Art Boulevard, Ren De Village, Tong Lin Village)to find out the differences of songs frequency resulted from different environment noise habitats.

13. danci.911chaxun.com

13. Characteristics of Chinese bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis) songs, including courtship song, mating song, morning song. alarm call and frightening call, and the relationship between the characteristics of songs and the behavior in the breeding season were studied with computer analysis in this paper.

14. The Chinese Penduline Tits are also still there, and one Chestnut Bulbul at a small lake in the north-east of the island.

15. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

15. " We have steep valleys and many types of mature trees here, as well as rough ground that humans don't disturb, " he said, after spotting a red-vented bulbul.

16. The light-vented bulbul is not cold-resistant, so in the north, when winter arrives, it should be reared in-house to protect it from the cold.

17. bulbul

17. The nest site selection of Pycnonotus sinensis was studied in Nanchong City, Sichuan from March to September in 2005.The compositional analysis indicates that there are seven factors affecting the nest site selection of the Chinese bulbul.

18. A Preliminary Study on the Ecology of Red-Whiskered Bulbul

19. bulbul的近义词

19. " We have steep valleys and many types of mature trees here, as well as rough ground that humans don't disturb," he said, after spotting a red-vented bulbul.

bulbul 单语例句

1. A Chinese bulbul has fallen in love with its own image in mirrors, say people from a Pudong residential quarter in Shanghai.


bulbul 英英释义



1. nightingale spoken of in Persian poetry

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