
bum around是什么意思 bum around在线翻译 bum around什么意思 bum around的意思 bum around的翻译 bum around的解释 bum around的发音 bum around的同义词

bum around [bʌm əˈraund]  [bʌm əˈraʊnd] 

bum around 基本解释


bum around 网络解释

1. 闲荡, 游手好闲:on a bum 正在狂饮中 | bum around 闲荡, 游手好闲 | bum sth. off sb. 向某人讨得某物

2. 闲荡:82. bully off(曲棍球)比赛开始 | 83. bum around闲荡 | 84. bump into猛撞;偶然碰见

bum around 双语例句

1. Artist: Lady Sovereign Title: Love Me Or Hate Me Album: N/A Genre: Modern Rock Email this page to a friend Yeah It's officially the biggest midget in the game... I dunno Make way for the Ess Oh Vee Love me or hate me it's still an obsession Love me or hate me that is the question If you love me then thank you If you hate me then f**k you x 2 I'm fat I need a diet Na in fact I'm just too light and I aint got the biggest breast-s-s But I wrote all the best disses I got hairy armpits But I don't walk around like this I wear a big baggy T-shirt That hides that nasty sh*t Ugh... never had my nails done Bite them down until they're numb I'm the one with a non-existent bum I don't really give a UGH I'm missing my shepherd's pie Like a high maintenance chick missing her diamonds I'm missing my Clipper lighters Now bow down to your royal highness No, I don't own a corgi I had a hampster It died cos I ignored it Go on then, go on report me I'm English, try and deport me Love me or hate me it's still an obsession Love me or hate me that is the question If you love me then thank you If you hate me then f**k you x 2 I'm a funky little monkey With the tiniest ears I don't like drinking fancy champi I stick with Heineken beers Oops, might burp in your face A little unladylike, what can I say?
    标题:爱我或恨我册页:N/A 风格:现代岩石给这页发电子邮件给朋友呀它正式地是最大的侏儒在比赛… I dunno做方式为Ess Oh Vee 爱我或恨它是成见仍然爱我的我或恨我是问题,如果您爱我然后感谢您,如果您恨我然后f ** k您x 2 我是肥胖的我需要饮食Na实际上我是太轻的,并且I aint得到了最大的乳房s s,但我写了我得到长毛的腋窝的所有最佳的disses,但我不象我穿着一件大宽松的T恤杉掩藏那讨厌的sh*t Ugh…的这样走动未曾安排我的钉子做咬住他们下来,直到他们麻木我是那个与一不存在二赖子我真正地不给我错过我的牧羊人的饼象错过她的金刚石的一只高效维护小鸡我错过我的飞剪机打火机现在压垮对殿下没有的UGH,我没拥有我有一hampster它死COS我在报告忽略它然后继续,去我我英语,尝试并且递解我的corgi 爱我或恨它是成见仍然爱我的我或恨我是问题,如果您爱我然后感谢您,如果您恨我然后f ** k您x 2 我一只质朴的小的猴子是否是用我不喜欢喝花梢champi I棍子用Heineken啤酒Oops的最微小的耳朵,也许打嗝在您面对A少许unladylike,我什么能说?

2. bum around是什么意思

2. Well the night does funny things inside a man These old tom-cat feelings you don't understand, Well I turn around to look at you, you light a cigarette, I wish I had the guts to bum one, but we've never met, And I hope that I don't fall in love with you.

3. bum around

3. It's nice to have a day off to just bum around.

4. bum around的翻译

4. I do not do anything last summer; I just bum around.

5. Instead of looking for work, he preferred to bum around.

6. Let's go bum around the mall.

7. He should just drag his bum leg around as god intended?

8. bum around的解释

8. This does not mean you have to come in looking like the best man for a wedding but at least avoid the jeans and casual wear you put on to bum around the house.

9. Sharon went off to bum around after her graduation from Harvard.

10. Bum, bum around, bum about, arse around, arse about, fuck off, loaf, frig around, waste one's time, lounge around, loll, loll around, lounge about

bum around 英英释义


1. be lazy or idle

    e.g. Her son is just bumming around all day

    Synonym: bumbum aboutarse aroundarse aboutfuck offloaffrig aroundwaste one's timelounge aroundlollloll aroundlounge about

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