
buoy是什么意思 buoy在线翻译 buoy什么意思 buoy的意思 buoy的翻译 buoy的解释 buoy的发音 buoy的同义词 buoy的反义词 buoy的例句 buoy的相关词组

buoy [bɔɪ]  [ˈbui, bɔɪ] 


buoy 基本解释

名词浮标; 航标; 救生圈

及物动词使浮起; 支持,鼓励

buoy 相关例句


1. We were buoyed up by good news.

2. Her spirits were buoyed up by hopes of success.

buoy 网络解释

1. buoy在线翻译

1. 救生圈:到屋子外面,把吊灯拆散(Look at Chandelier),留意小屋顶上有一个救生圈(Buoy),先以果酱涂面包,再把面包抛上屋顶(Roof). 不久后便有海鸥飞来吃面包,将屋顶上的救生圈碰下来. 用剃刀割下救生圈的绳索(Rope),

2. 浮漂:青岛永泰船用气囊护舷有限公司生产销售船舶上下水用新型整体缠绕高强度起重载动气囊、充气橡胶护舷(靠球)、实心聚氨酯漂浮护舷(靠球)、游艇专用碰垫(yacht ferder)、大型海洋浮漂(buoy)并进行船舶气囊下水和上排、大型构物搬运、


buoy 词典解释

1. 浮标;航标
    A buoy is a floating object that is used to show ships and boats where they can go and to warn them of danger.

2. 鼓舞;鼓励;使振奋
    If someone in a difficult situation is buoyed by something, it makes them feel more cheerful and optimistic.


    e.g. In May they danced in the streets, buoyed by their victory...
    e.g. German domestic consumption buoyed the German economy.

buoy 单语例句


1. I can only give you a bicycle tire as a life buoy.

2. China's securities authorities have announced a slew of market reforms to buoy investor gloom.

3. A drunkard wearing a life buoy fell asleep while sailing a hundred metres off the coast in Qingdao of Shandong Province last week.

4. The water is then pumped into a turbine inside the buoy which spins to create power.

5. Now it was snaking its way through the ice field to rescue a trapped navigation buoy.

6. Demand for gold in developing countries such as China and India will buoy its price, said Convoy Asset Management director Ernest Chan.

7. The WGC report said the Chinese lunar new year celebrations continued to buoy demand for gold items.

8. British officials are hoping that the impending royal birth will produce a bouncing baby buoy for economy.

9. Guo Chuan fixed the hydroelectric generator of his yacht but some parts of the fore sail were broken in gales on route to the buoy.

10. Inside each buoy, a piston rises and falls with the waves.

buoy 英英释义



1. bright-colored
    a float attached by rope to the seabed to mark channels in a harbor or underwater hazards



1. mark with a buoy

2. keep afloat

    e.g. The life vest buoyed him up

    Synonym: buoy up

3. float on the surface of water

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