
burner是什么意思 burner在线翻译 burner什么意思 burner的意思 burner的翻译 burner的解释 burner的发音 burner的同义词 burner的反义词 burner的例句

burner [ˈbɜ:nə(r)]  [ˈbɜ:rnə(r)] 


burner 基本解释

名词炉子,燃烧器; (火炉、煤油灯等的)灯口; 烧制者; 灯光

burner 相关例句


1. Some stoves are oil burners; others are gas burners.

2. burner在线翻译

2. The gas stove has only two burners.

burner 网络解释

1. 烧嘴:含控制装置的10瓦以下、11-20瓦和21-26瓦成品灯分别征收54.67卢比/件、61.17卢比/件和88.52卢比/件;对其他中国企业10瓦以下、11-20瓦和21-26瓦的燃烧嘴(Burner)分别征收17.83卢比/件、19.56卢比/件和20.95卢比/件,

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 燃烧嘴:在节能方面,该产品通过使燃烧嘴(Burner)和托架靠近,让火焰更加贴近于锅底,从而使该产品的热效率达到55%,超过了过去50%的水平,大大提高了与同类产品的竞争力.

3. 灯:回到自己的实验室,将酒精与心液混合,用酒精灯(Burner)加热,当液体转为绿色时,关掉火. 将制成的爱液涂在飞镖上,并带上灯枪来到停车场,用菲利(Flitch) 的汽车钥匙去开绿色车的尾箱,取出切割用的大铁剪(Bolt Cutter)和撬棍(Crowbar),

burner 词典解释

1. 炉头;火眼
    A burner is a device which produces heat or a flame, especially as part of a cooker, stove, or heater.

    e.g. He put the frying pan on the gas burner.

burner 单语例句

1. Burn peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil in an oil burner or spill a few drops onto a tissue and inhale deeply.

2. Beyond these, the perilous Dragon Head Incense Burner juts out of the precipice.

3. The attack also pushed to the back burner a sex scandal that had engulfed the premier over his purported fondness for young women.

4. Yim contended the report failed to provide solid evidence of the reason for choosing to build a burner instead of adopting alternative measures.

5. To create the incense burner the duo will bring to the show, they combined an old camera and a piece of wood.

6. A mould can be used to make only one incense burner, and the whole process for making the piece can last up to one month.

7. Deng seizes a handful of sweet potatoes from the pot on the burner, as she invites her visitors to enter.

8. The combination gives a modern twist to the incense burner, which is usually classical and traditional.

9. An incense burner is a vessel in which incense is burned, especially during religious services.

10. Xu finished the oration and put a silk book in the incense burner.

burner 英英释义


1. an apparatus for burning fuel (or refuse)

    e.g. a diesel engine is an oil burner

2. the heating elements of a stove or range on which pots and pans are placed for cooking

    e.g. the electric range had one large burner and three smaller one

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