
burning是什么意思 burning在线翻译 burning什么意思 burning的意思 burning的翻译 burning的解释 burning的发音 burning的同义词 burning的反义词

burning [ˈbɜ:nɪŋ]  [ˈbɜ:rnɪŋ] 

原级:burn第三人称单数:burns第三人称复数:burns过去分词:burnt; burned过去式:burnt; burned

burning 基本解释

形容词燃烧的; 发热的; 急切的; (欲望等)炽烈的

动词燃烧(burn的现在分词); 使用某物为燃料


burning 网络解释

1. burning的翻译

1. 燃烧:这首歌叫 <<燃烧>>(Burning),由挪威歌手 玛丽亚 亚瑞唐多(Maria Arredondo)所唱,她的嗓子非常好,性感但不做作,有力但不炫耀,明亮但不过分照人. 她的低音很沉,很女人但是又很自立. 她的<<Burning>>是非常棒的一首歌,诱惑力,爱情,

2. 激情燃烧:MARIA ARREDONDO是封面人物,美丽的电眼,是我一看就着迷!结果听了她的--激情燃烧(BURNING)后,发觉~~原来挪威那片土的上也有美丽而又纯情维美的BAUTIFUL WOMAN!

3. 烧焦:许可常见之问题,例如:短射(short shot)、烧焦(burning)、缝合线(weld line)、凹痕(sink mark)、翘曲变形(warpage)、毛边(flash)等等,与材料、成品与模具设计、机台与成型条件,习习相关,因此为有效开发此等产品及制程,

burning 词典解释

1. 灼热的;炙热的
    You use burning to describe something that is extremely hot.

    e.g. ...the burning desert of Central Asia.

2. 热烈的;热切的;强烈的
    If you say that someone has burning eyes, you mean they look at you in an intense way or have bright eyes because of a strong feeling.

    e.g. She glared at both of them with burning, reproachful eyes.

3. (兴趣)浓厚的;(欲望)强烈的
    If you have a burning interest in something or a burning desire to do something, you are extremely interested in it or want to do it very much.


    e.g. I had a burning ambition to become a journalist.
    e.g. She had a burning desire to wreak revenge.

4. 急迫的;重要的
    A burning issue or question is a very important or urgent one that people feel very strongly about.

    e.g. The burning question in this year's debate over the federal budget is: whose taxes should be raised?

burning 单语例句

1. He paints by burning small holes in rice paper and acrylic glasses.

2. Beijing has been plagued by air pollution caused by crop stubble burning in areas around the capital in recent years.

3. Locals say they are concerned about a potential leak of the toxic chemical dioxin, a byproduct of burning plastic.

4. The unprecedented number and size of wildfires burning in California this year has forced firefighters to strategically choose which ones to tackle.

5. About 500 people attending a candlelight protest in suburban Quezon City snarled traffic by burning tires.

6. Air crews waged a fierce battle against the southeast corner of the fire, burning dangerously close to canyon homes.

7. Coal burning has already become a major source of carbon dioxide emission.

8. Carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels is the leading greenhouse gas, trapping the sun's heat in the atmosphere.

9. A lively cast burning up the dance floor till the early hours at Latinos has made this club Beijing's home of salsa.

10. The teacher ordered the girl to stand under burning sun at noon as the girl refused to have a cat nap recently.

burning 英英释义


1. the act of burning something

    e.g. the burning of leaves was prohibited by a town ordinance

    Synonym: combustion

2. a form of torture in which cigarettes or cigars or other hot implements are used to burn the victim's skin

3. execution by fire

    Synonym: burning at the stake

4. execution by electricity

    Synonym: electrocution

5. a process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give heat and light

    Synonym: combustion

6. pain that feels hot as if it were on fire

    Synonym: burn

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