
bursting是什么意思 bursting在线翻译 bursting什么意思 bursting的意思 bursting的翻译 bursting的解释 bursting的发音 bursting的同义词

bursting ['bɜ:stɪŋ]  ['bɜ:stɪŋ] 


bursting 基本解释

爆裂;爆破;爆炸( burst的现在分词);突然发作;突然打开;挤满;

bursting 相关例句


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. She was bursting to tell everyone.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. The house was bursting at the seams.

3. bursting

3. The garden was bursting with produce.

bursting 网络解释

1. 簇放电:簇放电(bursting)节律是常见的一类神经放电形式, 其基本特征是重复放电状态与静息状态交替出现[3]. Bertram和Del Negro等根据簇放电内ISI的变化规律将其分为三种亚型,并分别在胰腺细胞、海兔(aplysia)的R15神经元、大鼠三叉神经节神经元等不同的可兴奋细胞上观察到,

2. 突发:第一种为基本模式(base mode):运用数据压缩(data compression)、快速讯框封包(fast frame)和封包突发(bursting)等功能,将实际网络传输速率增加到40Mbps以上.

3. 爆裂:Burning behaviour||燃烧性能 | Bursting||爆裂 | butterfly valve||蝴蝶阀

4. bursting

4. 集中式:品牌开发指数 brand development index | 集中式 bursting | 品种开发指数 category development index

bursting 单语例句


1. By the end of 2005, there were concerns the art market bubble might be bursting.

2. Previous radioactive emissions have come from intentional efforts to vent small amounts of steam through valves to prevent the core from bursting.

3. " Heathrow is bursting at the seams and has already reached a critical point, " he said.

4. Surpluses quickly turned to deficits after the bursting of the stock market bubble and the 2001 recession cut into government revenues.

5. A bursting of bubbles in the property market would naturally deal a heavy blow to the steel industry.

6. There have been numerous recent news reports about Dell laptops bursting into flames, and pictures of some of the charred machines have circulated on the Internet.

7. His forecast comes at a time when the devastating effects of the bursting of the 1997 bubble have yet to wear off completely.

8. This is the height of summer, and the trees are bursting at the seams with foliage.

9. They have a lot more experience in handling economic cycles and bursting bubbles which are part and parcel of a free market economy.

10. The watermelon harvest in Panzhihua in Sichuan province has been good, but reports of bursting watermelons in Jiangsu province have kept consumers away.

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