
calm down是什么意思 calm down在线翻译 calm down什么意思 calm down的意思 calm down的翻译 calm down的解释 calm down的发音 calm down的同义词

calm down [kɑ:m daun]  [kɑm daʊn] 

calm down 基本解释

及物/不及物动词(使)平静,镇静,安静; (使)平静下来

calm down 网络解释

1. 冷静:通过这些我们也可以看出他所经历过的很多痛苦:年轻在<<冷静>>(Calm Down)中变得狂野、<<和我一起走>>(Walk With Me)描述了一个叛逆不忠的女人. 这是他与蒂姆巴兰德的又一次合作. 他的声音很扭曲、悲哀,甚至有一点儿粗略、卑贱.

2. 安静:行政部的同事让大家 安静(calm down),不要乘坐电梯(elevator),然后顺序从逃生出口(exit)疏散(evacuate). 在楼下大家都很担心余震(Aftershocks),不过无所事事的呆了一会后,觉得办公楼不会倒塌(collapse),大家又陆续回到楼上,

3. 平静下来;镇定下来:call...to account 责问,要求...说明理由 | calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 | can do with 满足于;希望得到

4. 镇定下来:103. call up召集;动员 | 104. calm down 镇定下来 | 105. care for 喜欢

calm down 词典解释

1. (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来
    If you calm down, or if someone calms you down, you become less angry, upset, or excited.


    e.g. Calm down for a minute and listen to me...
    e.g. I'll try a herbal remedy to calm him down...

2. (使)平定;平息
    If things calm down, or someone or something calms things down, the amount of activity, trouble, or panic is reduced.

    e.g. We will go back to normal when things calm down...
    e.g. Neil Howorth, director of the academy, tried to calm things down.

calm down 单语例句

1. " I decided to calm down and carefully think about what my best business opportunity was, " he said.

2. The rain comes, and I could calm down and think about the match.

3. " I told myself at halftime to calm down, " McGrady said.

4. Now we have to calm down and see what the stage brings.

5. The nurses had to step in and ask her to calm down.

6. Qi who always has a smile, has a trick to calm down angry buyers.

7. The new leadership's resolute measures to crack down on price hikes and restore market order were effective in helping calm down a panicked public.

8. The pair are " devastated " about their separation and are waiting for the situation to calm down before they discuss custody arrangements and divorce.

9. Zheng said teachers were trying to calm down the students, but it was unknown whether classes would remain normal in the following days.

10. Okay, now calm down for one Kaya loves tattoos - fake tattoos.


calm down 英英释义


1. become quiet or less intensive

    e.g. the fighting lulled for a moment

    Synonym: lull

2. become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation

    e.g. After the fight both men need to cool off.
           It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again.

    Synonym: calmcool offchill outsimmer downsettle downcool it

3. make calm or still

    e.g. quiet the dragons of worry and fear

    Synonym: calmquiettranquilizetranquillizetranquillisequietenlullstill

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