
capture是什么意思 capture在线翻译 capture什么意思 capture的意思 capture的翻译 capture的解释 capture的发音 capture的同义词 capture的反义词

capture [ˈkæptʃə(r)]  [ˈkæptʃɚ] 


capture 基本解释

及物动词俘获; 夺取; 夺得; 引起(注意、想像、兴趣)

名词捕获; 占领; 捕获物; [计算机]捕捉

capture 相关例句


1. The singer captured the hearts of audience.

2. capture的近义词

2. The candidate captured 55% of the vote.

3. The state visit by the premier captured the headlines of all newspapers.

4. The police have not captured the mugger yet.


1. The soldier played dead to escape capture by the enemy.

capture 词典解释

1. (尤指在战争中)俘虏,擒获,占领,夺取
    If you capture someone or something, you catch them, especially in a war.

    e.g. The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot...
    e.g. The whole town celebrated when two tanks were captured...

2. 代表(特点);表现,体现(感情、气氛)
    If something or someone captures a particular quality, feeling, or atmosphere, they represent or express it successfully.

    e.g. Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the Mediterranean...
    e.g. Their mood was captured by one who said, 'Students here don't know or care about campus issues.'

3. 吸引(注意力);激发(想象);赢得(喜爱)
    If something captures your attention or imagination, you begin to be interested or excited by it. If someone or something captures your heart, you begin to love them or like them very much.

    e.g. ...the great names of the Tory party who usually capture the historian's attention.
    e.g. ...the issue that has captured the imagination of nearly the whole nation.

4. 拍摄
    If an event is captured in a photograph or on film, it is photographed or filmed.

    e.g. The incident was captured on videotape...
    e.g. The images were captured by TV crews filming outside the base.

5. 得到;夺得;获得
    If you capture something that you are trying to obtain in competition with other people, you succeed in obtaining it.


    e.g. In 1987, McDonald's captured 19 percent of all fast-food sales...
    e.g. The Socialist candidate has captured eighty-five per cent of the vote in the three-way presidential race.

capture 单语例句

1. The only sound to be heard among the travellers was the furious clicking of camera lens as we tried futilely to capture the grandeur.

2. Private security firms hired by celebrities even offered to put video cameras in their cars to capture what happens when they are pursued by paparazzi.

3. Authorities can also establish more overseas trade shows, delegation and venture capital for private companies to participate in and capture new markets.

4. These are necessary to capture the sun's and wind's energy.

5. There are some dishes that capture the heart with a first taste, when titillated taste buds trigger off a sentimentality for that instantly warm fuzzy feeling.

6. Her stories and novels have a heightened sensibility toward anything visual or sensory but most film adaptations have failed to capture her exquisite essence.

7. Onegin employs Cranko's distinctive choreographic style to capture the original story's emotional intensity, potent drama and tragic ironies with striking fidelity and perceptiveness.

8. These 7 working points may be transformed in several opportunity questions to be answered by companies raising ideas that will become projects for value capture.

9. There will also be a fireworks carnival and student contests open to young people who capture the colorful light shows through drawing or photographs.

10. Their vast land area and diversity compel the two countries to develop their census mechanisms in manners that can capture all aspects of demographic changes.

capture 英英释义



1. the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property

    Synonym: gaining controlseizure

2. the removal of an opponent's piece from the chess board

3. the act of taking of a person by force

    Synonym: seizure

4. any process in which an atomic or nuclear system acquires an additional particle

5. a process whereby a star or planet holds an object in its gravitational field


1. succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase

    e.g. We finally got the suspect
           Did you catch the thief?

    Synonym: getcatch

2. capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping

    e.g. I caught a rabbit in the trap today

    Synonym: catch

3. succeed in representing or expressing something intangible

    e.g. capture the essence of Spring
           capture an idea

4. attract
    cause to be enamored

    e.g. She captured all the men's hearts

    Synonym: enamourtrancecatchbecharmenamorcaptivatebeguilecharmfascinatebewitchentranceenchant

5. take possession of by force, as after an invasion

    e.g. the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants
           The army seized the town
           The militia captured the castle

    Synonym: appropriateseizeconquer

6. bring about the capture of an elementary particle or celestial body and causing it enter a new orbit

    e.g. This nucleus has captured the slow-moving neutrons
           The star captured a comet

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