
cardiac arrest是什么意思 cardiac arrest在线翻译 cardiac arrest什么意思 cardiac arrest的意思 cardiac arrest的翻译 cardiac arrest的解释

cardiac arrest [ˈkɑ:di:ˌæk əˈrest]  [ˈkɑrdiˌæk əˈrɛst] 

第三人称复数:cardiac arrests

cardiac arrest 基本解释


cardiac arrest 网络解释

1. cardiac arrest什么意思

1. 心脏骤停:心脏骤停与心肺脑复苏 心脏骤停(cardiac arrest)--般是指患者在心脏相对正常或无全身性严重致命性疾病情况下,在未能估汁到的时间内,心搏突然停止,从而导致有效心泵功能和有效循环突然中止,为心脏急症中最严重的情况.

2. 心搏骤停:八卦网站TMZ.com引述消息人士表示,好莱坞女星布兰妮墨菲(Brittany Murphy)在心搏骤停(cardiac arrest)猝逝前数小时,病情非常严重. 消息人士表示,布兰妮出现类流感症状多天,正接受处方药物治疗. 她昨天清晨开始呕吐,并告诉家人身体非常不适.

3. 心脏停搏:在心脏停搏(cardiac arrest)后4分钟内开始初期复苏、8分钟内开始后期复苏者的恢复出院率最高. 因此早期开始复苏是提高成活率和脑功能完全恢复率的基础. 有效复苏开始的时间虽仅有分秒之差,却显著影响复苏的效果.

4. 心跳停止:2002年1月份的<<复苏>>(Resuscitation) 学术期刊上发表了一篇有关心跳停止 (cardiac arrest) 濒死体验 (Near death exerience) 的综述性文章. 综合分析现有数据,作者提出人的意识可能是一个独立的微观物质.

cardiac arrest 词典解释

1. 心脏停搏
    A cardiac arrest is a heart attack.

cardiac arrest的反义词

cardiac arrest 单语例句

1. The paper's report followed news of Jackson's death first reported by the TMZ entertainment website, which said that the singer suffered a cardiac arrest.

2. Doctors said Chen's heart started beating again during treatment at the hospital, but the cardiac arrest had damaged other organs.

3. Brittany died last month at their Los Angeles home after suffering cardiac arrest and was found collapsed in the shower by her mother Sharon.

4. Jackson died at age 50 on June 25 after going into cardiac arrest in the bedroom of his rented mansion.

5. Clive Clarke collapsed because of a cardiac arrest at halftime of a 2007 match while playing for Leicester at Nottingham Forest.

6. Roughly 9 out of 10 cardiac arrest victims die before they get to the hospital - partly because they don't get CPR.

7. Murray was in Jackson's rented mansion when the singer went into cardiac arrest in his bedroom on June 25.

8. The Russian Academy of Sciences says Ginzburg died late Sunday of a cardiac arrest.

9. Jackson suffered a cardiac arrest on Thursday afternoon at his home and paramedics were unable to revive him.

10. He died Thursday at age 50 after what his family said appeared to be cardiac arrest.

cardiac arrest 英英释义


1. absence of systole
    failure of the ventricles of the heart to contract (usually caused by ventricular fibrillation) with consequent absence of the heart beat leading to oxygen lack and eventually to death

    Synonym: asystolecardiopulmonary arrest

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