
carefree是什么意思 carefree在线翻译 carefree什么意思 carefree的意思 carefree的翻译 carefree的解释 carefree的发音 carefree的同义词

carefree [ˈkeəfri:]  [ˈkerfri:] 

carefree 基本解释

形容词无忧无虑的,快乐舒畅的; 逍遥自在; 宽畅; 闲逸

carefree 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. We all felt carefree after the exams.

carefree 网络解释

1. 无忧无虑的:烧仙草什么滋味根本没有注意到,只记得喝了一碗又一碗;聊得什么也不知道,反正与厦门无关,在意的或许就是感觉--那种只有在厦大那一个月才会有的无忧无虑的(carefree)感觉.

2. 乐天派:在1938年拍摄的电影<<乐天派>>(Carefree)中. 导演要求阿斯泰尔在高球俱乐部里大跳其舞,从桌面跳到家俱上,从室内跳到空地,最后在高球场地打12只白球,舞步不停. 当时摄影机不停运转,绝无剪接镜头:只见阿斯泰尔随着扬声器放出乐曲的节奏,

3. carefree的解释

3. 茄哩啡:花臣 fashion | 茄哩啡 carefree | 拖肥糖 toffee

carefree 词典解释

1. 无忧无虑的;毫无牵挂的
    A carefree person or period of time doesn't have or involve any problems, worries, or responsibilities.

    e.g. They certainly gave the impression of a carefree couple who delighted in each other's company...
    e.g. Chantal remembered carefree past summers at the beach.

carefree 单语例句

1. It can last for up to three months and is very carefree.

2. The most carefree Chinese children I have seen were those attending kindergartens, but even at kindergartens these children cannot spend too much time playing and enjoying themselves.

3. Rather than seeing those days as the golden carefree days of youth, Zheng says he was forced instead to constantly fret about the people around him.

4. The bar in the grand hall is arranged in a carefree and lighthearted manner to enable customers to relax while drinking tea or meeting guests.

5. Those confident about their academic performance were more optimistic about their future, and those from harmonious families with parents in stable jobs appeared to be more carefree.

6. They've seen each other grow from new recruits to veterans, and turn from carefree youngsters to homesick husbands and dads.

7. Much has been written on educational reform to ease the burden of homework on kids and to give back to them a more carefree life.

8. She said she feels carefree and enjoys shopping, getting facials and sipping tea with friends during her spare time.

9. Chinese children are experiencing heavier pressure as well as much pleasure, which make their childhood not as carefree as that of previous generations.

10. The witty and carefree hosts throw out a topic everyday for listeners to send in mobile messages.

carefree 英英释义



1. cheerfully irresponsible

    e.g. carefree with his money
           freewheeling urban youths
           had a harum-scarum youth

    Synonym: devil-may-carefreewheelinghappy-go-luckyharum-scarumslaphappy

2. free of trouble and worry and care

    e.g. the carefree joys of childhood
           carefree millionaires, untroubled financially

    Synonym: unworried

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