
casing是什么意思 casing在线翻译 casing什么意思 casing的意思 casing的翻译 casing的解释 casing的发音 casing的同义词 casing的反义词 casing的例句

casing [ˈkeɪsɪŋ]  [ˈkesɪŋ] 


casing 基本解释

名词壳; 套; 罩; 框

casing 相关例句


1. casing

1. There is a window fitting in a casing.

2. This wire has a plastic casing.

casing 网络解释

1. 外壳:奂鑫控股在笔记型电脑市场上似乎重新获得更多占有率,其笔记型电脑外壳(casing)业务应该相当稳定,毕竟主要硬盘驱动器代工商和台湾笔记型电脑设计代工商近期作出颇为正面的业务看法,而视窗7的面世也可能带动消费者对笔记型电脑的买气,

2. 套管:下套管就是在已经钻成的井眼中按规定深度下入一定直径、由某种或几种不同钢级及壁厚的套管(Casing)组成的套管柱. 注水泥就是在地面上将水泥浆通过套管柱注入到井眼与套管柱之间的环形空间中的过程.

3. 盒:价格竞争力产生差异的原因在于:硬盘制造存在一个基本成本. 这个基本成本来自于硬盘盒(casing)和马达(motor),但是一旦确定了这项开支,增加盘片尺寸就能够显著增加存储容量,而随之相应增加的成本则很少.

4. 壳:还有一颗蓝色LED发光整个水冷头首先要把整个主机板(Mainboard)整个拆下来,因为要拆掉散热器的脚架,除了AMD K8 部分不用拆主机板之外,其余都要拆主机板以便安装水冷的扣具由于我的机壳(Casing)内部太小的关系(没钱买好的Casing T.T),

casing 词典解释

1. 罩;管;套;盒
    A casing is a substance or object that covers something and protects it.

    e.g. ...the outer casings of missiles.

casing 单语例句

1. Seamless casing pipes are widely used in oil exploration and gas wells.

2. Administrators quickly replaced the spigots and casing at three of the water fountains and custodians gave them all a thorough cleaning.

3. The bottom compost section inside the timber casing creates a stable warm temperature that worms love.

4. The owner then used a screwdriver to smash through the bath casing and rescue her distressed pet.

5. The camera was withdrawn so a steel casing could be inserted in the well to protect the camera from the water.

6. The launch of Apple's iPhone 4 in a white casing generated a long line of Chinese customers outside the company's stores in Beijing on Thursday.

7. The boy's father said his son's fingers were cut because of a gap in the casing covering gears on the escalator.

8. You do not need any salt, as the flavors of the ham will permeate its winter melon casing.

9. Now came the tricky part - getting the mixture into the casing, which in this case was pigs'intestinal lining.

10. Chinese dumplings don't fit into those categories, with their payload of filling in a thin dough casing.

casing 英英释义


1. the enclosing frame around a door or window opening

    e.g. the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced

    Synonym: case

2. the outermost covering of a pneumatic tire

3. the housing or outer covering of something

    e.g. the clock has a walnut case

    Synonym: shellcase

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