
castanets是什么意思 castanets在线翻译 castanets什么意思 castanets的意思 castanets的翻译 castanets的解释 castanets的发音 castanets的同义词

castanets [ˌkæstəˈnets] [ˌkæstəˈnets] 


castanets 基本解释

名词(用硬木或象牙制成的)响板; (用硬木或象牙制成的)响板( castanet的名词复数 )

castanets 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 响板:款操作系统将逐渐成为黑客的重点攻...<<一只小蜜蜂>>(Bee Movie) 导演:布兰达.查普曼 配音:蕾妮.齐薇格、安妮特.贝宁、奥普拉.温弗雷、阿兰.阿尔金、克里斯.洛克、马修.布洛德里克、凯西&...乐器名称:响板(Castanets)结构组成:由一对手

2. 响板 (常用於西班牙佛们哥舞曲):Cabasa 椰予沙铃/卡巴沙铃/串珠沙铃 | Castanets 响板 (常用於西班牙佛们哥舞曲) | Caxixi 编织摇铃

3. [英] 响板:Castagnettes[法] Cast 响板 | Castanets[英] 响板 | Calesta[德] 钢片琴

castanets 双语例句

1. castanets的解释

1. And Jo shook the blue army sock till the needles rattled like castanets, and her ball bounded across the room.

2. Clappers or castanets are a toy made of two or more piece of wood or other material which is driven together.

3. Drum and percussion instruments like tympani and castanets, the Egyptian sistrum, and brazen pans, served various musical and other purposes in ancient Rome, including backgrounds for rhythmic dance, celebratory rites like those of the Bacchantes, military uses, hunting and even for the control of bees in apiaries.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Krotala A dancer's instrument like the todays castanets(rattles. From S uidas and the Scholiast on Aristophanes(nubs, 260), probably a split reed of cane, which clattered when shaken with the hand.
    Krotala(舞者在舞蹈的时候使用的乐器,类似于今天的响板),根据阿里斯托芬的著作《S uidas》和《 Scholiast》中的注释,这种乐器很有可能就是两块簧板或者藤板,拿在手上摇晃的时候发出声音。

5. The international circles of dancers and musicians consider Sonia Amelio as the best Player of castanets in the world.

6. Finally Heracles resorted to some castanets given to him by the goddess Athena.

7. She plays the castanets, uniting the elements of music-melody, rhythm, harmony and counterpart.

8. May I please play the castanets?

9. Local girls with their castanets and their swinging hips.

10. And I can only stay home and knit, like a poky old woman!'And Jo shook the blue army sock till the needles rattled like castanets, and her ball bounded across the room.

11. A Spanish dance in triple time accompanied by guitar and castanets.

12. castanets

12. He said: " can't you hear the castanets? "

13. He said: " can't you hear the castanets?"

castanets 词典解释

1. 响板(一种西班牙乐器)
    Castanets are a Spanish musical instrument consisting of two small round pieces of wood or plastic held together by a cord. You hold the castanets in your hand and knock the pieces together with your fingers.


castanets 英英释义


1. a percussion instrument consisting of a pair of hollow pieces of wood or bone (usually held between the thumb and fingers) that are made to click together (as by Spanish dancers) in rhythm with the dance

    Synonym: bonesclappersfinger cymbals

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