
cauldron是什么意思 cauldron在线翻译 cauldron什么意思 cauldron的意思 cauldron的翻译 cauldron的解释 cauldron的发音 cauldron的同义词

cauldron [ˈkɔ:ldrən]  [ˈkɔldrən] 


cauldron 基本解释

名词大锅,大汽锅; 煮皂锅; 海釜

cauldron 网络解释

1. 鍋:魔药课上Neville沸腾的魔药与我和Malfoy之间的状态相似,我瞪着他,狠狠放入一把药草. Draco仅是勾了一下嘴角,用最优雅的姿势朝坩锅(Cauldron)内抖入一点粉末.

2. 釜:在俄军突破口首当其冲的是装甲三军团之东翼,其正处在一个位居Dramburg 附近的大釜(cauldron)中为保命而奋战,而大批的难民则被迫群聚在Kolberg港, 在大突破口以西的装甲三军团余部正朝奥得河下游和Stettin撤退中.

cauldron 词典解释

1. (小说及童话故事中巫师用以施符咒的)大锅
    A cauldron is a very large, round metal pot used for cooking over a fire. In stories and fairy tales, a cauldron is used by witches for their spells.


2. 动荡不安的局势;危险的局势
    If you describe a situation as a cauldron, you mean that it is unstable or dangerous.

    e.g. A thin veneer of law and order barely keeps the seething, bubbling cauldron of chaos and anarchy in check.

cauldron 单语例句

1. " It's was great honor to carry the torch and light the cauldron, " Pang said.

2. Fuzhou Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor Yang Yimin lights the cauldron and the first torch.

3. Nor did anyone seem overtly bothered to know who would light the cauldron at the National Stadium on the opening day of the Games tomorrow.

4. Beckham soon lit the Olympic torch and ignited a cauldron with the flame, which was then due to be transferred to Lands End for Saturday's relay start.

5. A trio of laser rays flashed to ignite the cauldron after six athletes turned on the three laser equipment.

6. The cauldron lighting remains the biggest secret of the ceremony as director Chen refused to mention a single word about it.

7. Shanghai Party chief Xi Jinping lit a cauldron allowing the fire to be spread across more torches for the city run to take place.

8. The moment to start doing that is when the Olympic cauldron is dimmed and the flame begins its long journey to Rio.

9. Transferred to a small lantern by golden torch from a cauldron, it will be guarded overnight in the British embassy in Athens.

10. The perfectly kept surprise about who would light the Olympic cauldron caught out even the savvy British bookmakers.

cauldron 英英释义



1. a very large pot that is used for boiling

    Synonym: caldron

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