
ceasefire是什么意思 ceasefire在线翻译 ceasefire什么意思 ceasefire的意思 ceasefire的翻译 ceasefire的解释 ceasefire的发音 ceasefire的同义词

ceasefire [ˈsi:sfaɪə(r)] [ˈsi:sfaiə] 


ceasefire 基本解释




ceasefire 网络解释

1. 停战:五十年代美国人在朝鲜提出停战(ceasefire)谈判,原因是知道再打下去没什么好处. 但那也只是停战而非和平条约. 哪天需要开战了,随时可以打. 因为双方是停战的敌国.

2. 停火,停战:cease to be 不再是 | ceasefire 停火,停战 | censorship 审查机构,审查制度

3. (停战协定):UNITED WE STAND 團結之力 | CEASEFIRE 停戰協定 | CRUSH CARD VIRUS 死破壞病毒

ceasefire 单语例句

1. The ceasefire succeeded to restore a sort of calmness and Israel started to gradually lift the sanctions.

2. Palestinians say the road map was undermined by Israel's continued raids to kill or capture militants even after they declared a ceasefire in June.

3. Many observers now worry that Annan's ceasefire plan might come to an untimely end.

4. The first imperative is to achieve a comprehensive ceasefire and speed up political negotiation, which would exclude factions who did not sign the Darfur Peace Agreement.

5. Both Palestine and Israel unilaterally declared a ceasefire, but both are conditional.

6. These included designating points on the ceasefire line where divided families could meet, new bus services connecting Indian and Pakistani Kashmir and promoting Kashmiri trade and tourism.

7. NATO air strikes on Tripoli overnight left smoke rising from Gadhafi's compound, after Washington said a ceasefire offer from his government was not credible.

8. The area had been under curfew for weeks after the April violence and the two sides agreed on a ceasefire later.

9. The consequences of the current conflicts will remain for a fairly long time to come, even if a ceasefire is brought about or brokered by international intermediaries.

10. Dozens of their opponents have been gunned down since a 2002 ceasefire and analysts say their denial is a stock disclaimer.

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