
celebrant是什么意思 celebrant在线翻译 celebrant什么意思 celebrant的意思 celebrant的翻译 celebrant的解释 celebrant的发音 celebrant的同义词

celebrant [ˈselɪbrənt]  [ˈsɛləbrənt] 


celebrant 基本解释


celebrant 网络解释

1. 司仪神父:Celebes 西里伯斯岛 | celebrant 司仪神父 | celebrate with 庆祝

2. 颂扬者:10. curb 遏制 | 11. jet-lagged 飞机晚点的 | 12. celebrant 颂扬者

3. 天主教主领弥撒的神父:celebrant 司仪神父 | celebrant 天主教主领弥撒的神父 | celebrate 庆

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 司仪神父, 天主教主领弥撒的神父:Celebes || 西里伯斯岛(印尼苏拉威西岛之旧称) | celebrant || 司仪神父, 天主教主领弥撒的神父 | celebrate with || 以来庆祝

celebrant 双语例句

1. celebrant什么意思

1. When genuflecting at the altar, the celebrant may place hands upon it. This helps keep one`s balance and also looks more graceful.

2. During the Preface of the hymn, the deacon presents the thurible to the celebrant who blesses incense.

3. celebrant的意思

3. Celebrant: O God, come to my assistance.

4. Celebrant: Blessed be the entrance of the Saints.

5. Celebrant: Let us lift up our hearts!

6. If there is only one deacon, he takes his place at the right of the celebrant.

7. The celebrant gives the kiss of peace to the clergy who give it to the faithful who, in turn, give it to the person nearest them.

8. celebrant的翻译

8. Celebrant: Accept, O Holy Trinity, the offerings of Thy people and send down Thy heavenly grace to sanctify the gifts here present and purify us of all our sins.
    如果主教正在庆祝,他轮流忠实和祝福他们dikerion和trikerion ,在这期间,他们赞誉

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. Celebrant: With them we offer our prayers for all those who have gone before us in the peace of the Lord since Adam to this present day, and in particular our fathers of blessed memory, Patriarchs Justinian and Justin of Romania, Bishop John of Saint Denis, Monseigneur Irenaeus Winnaert, and for...
    礼:随著他们,我们为我们的祈祷,谁所有这些已经摆在我们面前的和平,因为上帝给亚当本一天,特别是我们的父亲祝福内存,始祖查士丁尼和Justin的罗马尼亚,主教约翰圣德尼,大人依Winnaert ,并为。。。

10. Celebrant: Blessed be the Holy Trinity, the undivided Unity, eternal, immortal, invisible, to Whom be honor and glory unto the ages of ages!

11. celebrant的翻译

11. Next comes a prayer sung by the celebrant, which is followed by another lesson from Exodus 12, chanted by the subdeacon.
      其次祈祷唱,由监礼人,之后是另一个教训,从出埃及记12 ,高呼:由

12. The subdeacon used the Apostolus, the deacons the Evangelarium, and the presiding celebrant the Sacramentarium, which contained all the prayers of the Mass. As the practice of private Mass grew, the various liturgical texts were gathered into one book for the priest who performed all the parts of the Mass alone.
      该subdeacon用 apostolus ,执事的 evangelarium ,并主持监礼人的 sacramentarium ,其中载有所有祈祷的,因为马萨诸塞州的做法,私人大规模增长,各种礼仪文本收集到一本书,为牧师演出的所有零部件的质量。

13. During the Laudes, the celebrant takes the chalice and paten and places them on the altar; he removes the chalice and communion veils, then covers all of the gifts with a chalice veil, first perfuming it with incense.

14. Celebrant: May the peace and the love of Christ guard you and protect you.

15. celebrant的反义词

15. Celebrant: May the peace and the love of Christ always guard you and protect you.

16. Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

17. Celebrant: Forgive me, my brothers and sisters.

18. Celebrant: Take and eat, this is My Body which is given up for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins.

19. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

19. Celebrant: To Thee, Father almighty, and to the faithful and true Word, and to the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier, are due all honor, all glory, and adoration, now and always, and unto the ages of ages.
      礼:为了你,爸爸无所不能,并忠实和真正的Word ,和圣灵的Sanctifier ,是因为所有的荣誉,所有的荣耀,和崇拜,现在和往常一样,和你们世世无尽。

20. Celebrant: Lord, deign to bless this family which is Thine; gladden it through Thy presence, and may these Mysteries benefit each one according to their needs, through Thy mercy, O God, Who art blessed unto the ages of ages.

celebrant 词典解释

1. 宗教仪式主持人(或参加者)
    A celebrant is a person who performs or takes part in a religious ceremony.

celebrant 单语例句

1. A printer whirred and spat out two small red books, in to which the celebrant fixed our wedding portrait.

2. The celebrant in attendance refused to witness the marriage, saying the wedding was not in compliance with the statutory procedures.

celebrant 英英释义


1. an officiating priest celebrating the Eucharist

2. a person who is celebrating

    Synonym: celebratorcelebrater

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