
celestial是什么意思 celestial在线翻译 celestial什么意思 celestial的意思 celestial的翻译 celestial的解释 celestial的发音 celestial的同义词

celestial [səˈlestiəl]  [səˈlestʃl] 


celestial 基本解释


名词天人,神仙; (指封建时代的)中国人,天朝之人

celestial 相关例句


1. The sun, the stars, and the moon are celestial bodies.

2. Angels are celestial beings.

celestial 网络解释

1. 天的:在天堂中有呼吸,是呼吸属天的(celestial)神的气息. 神是生命,神将气息吹入人的里面. 旧约的信徒们都在天堂,亚伯拉罕的工作是教导和照顾现时在天堂的一切乞丐(按指在世上为乞丐的). 信徒死后,灵体即到主那里去. 在天堂中我认得有一百五十人,

2. celestial的翻译

2. 天体:这样巨大的后院即使对於最有野心的天体(celestial)建筑师而言似乎是十分充裕了, 但事实上, 这个拥有2千亿个星系的银河系只是一个非常庞大沙滩其中的一粒沙子而已.

3. 天上的:demesticate 驯服,教化 | celestial 天上的 | superemay 至高无上的

celestial 词典解释

1. 天体的;天空的;天的
    Celestial is used to describe things relating to heaven or to the sky.


    e.g. Gravity governs the motions of celestial bodies.
    e.g. In the process of their careful watching and recording the celestial movements the Chinese provided valuable and interesting information for succeeding generations.

2. 了不起的;美妙的;奇妙的
    If you describe something as celestial, you mean that it is wonderful.

    e.g. ...a chocolate cake with an apricot filling and celestial effect on the taste buds.

celestial 单语例句

1. Zhu drew his inspiration for this vessel from the legend of a celestial being who flew to the heavens in a canoe.

2. Near the " throne ", the Celestial Waterfall tumbles for more than 27 meters from the cavern's ceiling.

3. After the Caution Slope, you will get to the Celestial Ferry Bridge.

4. He is the one celestial person who knows everyone's future partners, and nobody can challenge the decisions written down in his book.

5. The celestial empress wanted to get hold of the mirror and sent a deity to steak it away.

6. Fairies do not belong to this world, and he who has human desires does not deserve to live in the celestial world.

7. What also challenged the audience was that in " Celestial Human World, " the performers and the roles do not always correspond to each other.

8. The music draws the most peaceful and celestial timeless landscapes one can imagine.

9. The lights appear like a celestial blanket as they flicker in and out of existence.

10. A troupe of 21 dancers makes a celestial image come to life.


celestial 英英释义


1. of heaven or the spirit

    e.g. celestial peace
           ethereal melodies
           the supernal happiness of a quiet death

    Synonym: etherealsupernal

2. relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven

    e.g. celestial beings
           heavenly hosts

    Synonym: heavenly

3. of or relating to the sky

    e.g. celestial map
           a heavenly body

    Synonym: heavenly

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