
central office是什么意思 central office在线翻译 central office什么意思 central office的意思 central office的翻译 central office的解释

central office [ˈsentrəl ˈɔfis]  [ˈsɛntrəl ˈɔfɪs] 

central office 基本解释


central office 网络解释

1. 局端:ARM PrimeXsys双核心平台的功能与弹性可增加装置的使用效能,同时可避免因MHz上升所导致的功率与热度问题,因而适用于低阶的基础设备,包括局端(central office)的整合性接取设备、接取路由器/转接器及中小型企业基础设备.

2. 中心局:Local Exchange Carrier 本地交换 中心局(Central Office)是终止本地循环的电话辅助设备. 中心局(CO)的功能是把许多个人电话与一系列接线器连接起来. 为了高效的进行交换,多个中心局按照层次结构连接在一起.

3. central office的解释

3. 中央办公室:这不是一份代表国大党或应中央办公室(Central Office)之请写的论文. 它是我在塞瓦格兰姆和一些同事一系列谈话的结果. 他们认为我有必要写点东西,阐明建设纲领和公民不服从之间的联系,以及如何实施建设纲领. 在这本小册子中,

4. 办公室:Diversifies,内容提供了DSL数位用户专线晶片市场的完整分析,举凡现有的技术解说、新兴技术的介绍、市场的库存与修正情形、服务供应商的冲击、xDSL市场的预测、远端办公室(Central Office)的应用、各主要厂商的现况简介等 ...

central office 单语例句

central office的反义词

1. He said his campaign office and other candidacy procedures will begin after the central government approves his resignation.

2. The currency exchange market has no central office and operates 24 hours a day through a network of traders connected by computer and telephone.

3. The retired general inspected the office earlier this year as head of the Central Intelligence Agency.

4. Any evidence gained from the office may be ruled inadmissible - and could mean prosecutors lose a central tenet of their case.

5. The service has secured additional funding from the Department of Health to set up a central office in Wan Chai.

6. The protestors then marched to the Central Government Office and handed in a petition.

7. Many anxious clients rushed to Wing Yip's Central head office yesterday to get to know what exactly happened.

8. The Central Meteorological Office has warned people in the affected areas to protect themselves against the hot weather.

9. A second suspected ETA member fled the scene, a source with the central government office in Valencia region said.

10. The critical shortage of land in Central keeps office space scarce and rents sky high.

central office 英英释义


1. (usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise

    e.g. many companies have their headquarters in New York

    Synonym: headquartersmain officehome officehome base

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