
ceremonial是什么意思 ceremonial在线翻译 ceremonial什么意思 ceremonial的意思 ceremonial的翻译 ceremonial的解释 ceremonial的发音 ceremonial的同义词

ceremonial [ˌserɪˈməʊniəl]  [ˌserɪˈmoʊniəl] 


ceremonial 基本解释

形容词仪式的; 正式的; 讲究仪式的



ceremonial 相关例句


1. Tonight there will be a tribal ceremonial of great importance to mark the chief's birthday.

ceremonial 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 仪式的:ceraunograph 雷电计 | ceremonial 仪式的 | ceremony 典礼

2. 仪式方面的:24. ceremonious 拘于俗义的 | ceremonial 仪式方面的 | 25. cheap 便宜的(品质不佳)

3. 仪式的;礼节的:cereal 谷类,五谷,禾谷 | ceremonial 仪式的;礼节的 | ceremony 典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪

ceremonial 词典解释

1. 仪式的;礼节的
    Something that is ceremonial relates to a ceremony or is used in a ceremony.

    e.g. He represented the nation on ceremonial occasions...
    e.g. Feathers of various kinds are used by Native Americans for ceremonial purposes.

Corporal Andrew Satchell ceremonially rolled up the flag of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.

2. (职位、功能或事件)礼仪性的,象征性的
    A position, function, or event that is ceremonial is considered to be representative of an institution, but has very little authority or influence.


    e.g. Up to now the post of president has been largely ceremonial.

3. 仪式;典礼;礼节
    Ceremonial consists of all the impressive things that are done, said, and worn on very formal occasions.

    e.g. ...papal ceremonial.
    e.g. ...the ceremonials leading up to the young Emperor's wedding.

4. 同 ceremony
    A ceremonial is a ceremony.

    e.g. ...a religious ceremonial.

ceremonial 单语例句

1. Wu's emphasis on creating a cultured environment turns the class of about 40 students and their parents into a ceremonial site for calligraphy.

2. The festivities concluded with a ceremonial carriage procession in London, a formal contrast to Monday's spectacular pop tribute staged outside Buckingham Palace.

3. This year, many ceremonial uniforms have come directly from factory production lines.

4. They are followed by Mongolian maidens holding ceremonial hada silk and heavyset fishermen clad in sheepskin coats whose horses pull sledges loaded with fishing gear.

5. Candles light the entire Baiyun Taoist Temple ceremonial hall where 10 monks dressed in traditional, intricately embroidered and wildly coloured Taoist gowns take turns reading long prayers.

6. Right before a festival or ceremonial occasion such as a wedding or a funeral, local women will without a doubt turn their thoughts to preparing dough flowers.

7. Huabiao refers to a type of ceremonial column often erected in front of palaces and last weekend the pillars of China's film industry were recognized.

8. Parading on a stage that was covered in pine needles, some contestants carried woven baskets or ceremonial candles from their home regions.

9. The president is the ceremonial head of state in Singapore, with custodial powers on the state reserves and veto powers on certain key appointments.

10. In addition to helping select and approve the prime minister and largely ceremonial president, the assembly will serve as a lawmaking body.

ceremonial 英英释义


1. a formal event performed on a special occasion

    e.g. a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor

    Synonym: ceremonyceremonial occasionobservance


1. marked by pomp or ceremony or formality

    e.g. a ceremonial occasion
           ceremonial garb

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