
chassis是什么意思 chassis在线翻译 chassis什么意思 chassis的意思 chassis的翻译 chassis的解释 chassis的发音 chassis的同义词 chassis的反义词

chassis [ˈʃæsi]  [ˈʃæsi] 


chassis 基本解释

名词(车辆的)底盘; (飞机的)起落架; 炮底架; (无线电、电视等的)底架

chassis 网络解释

1. 基座:设计概念是,首先利用热传导率非常优异的黏着剂,将LED固定在430mm X 310mm X 8mm铝质基板的中央部位上,铝质基板的背面设置高约35mm铝质散热鳍片,透过外壳(cabinet)与内部基座(chassis)通风孔的最佳化设计,

2. 底盘:接地: 可在浮动(floating)与 底盘(chassis)间转换直流偏置: 直流阻挡(DC blocked)条件下:小于幅度的0.0001%,直流偶合(DC coupled)条件下:小于幅度的2%.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 底座:高速的逻辑元件和振荡器应该尽量靠近接地电路,以避免形成回路;在此回路中会有涡流(eddy current)存在,此时是以机壳或底座(chassis)接地. 涡流是受到不断变化的磁场感应产生的,它通常是寄生的. 附图五是PC的介面卡插槽和单点接地所形成的回路.

4. chassis的反义词

4. 机壳:在机壳(Chassis)则推出3D AURORA系列全铝机壳,整合全铝质感、系统散热、安装便利、水冷支援、系统安全等五大功能,专利设计的前置投射灯映射出的3D AURORA字样,亦可由使用者自行变换相当具有创意性.

chassis 词典解释

chassis /'ʃæsiz/ can also be used as the plural form. chassis /'ʃæsiz/ 亦可用作复数。

1. (车辆的)底盘,底架,底座
    A chassis is the framework that a vehicle is built on.

chassis 单语例句

1. " The chassis are of high quality and high technology, " he said.

2. Witnesses reported seeing the charred chassis of the destroyed car, with the remains of several bodies nearby and dozens wounded.

3. Formula One champions Renault reported good progress with their 2007 car on Friday and expected the first chassis to be ready by Christmas.

4. One of the tractors'drivers who was on the ground fixing his broken vehicle got sandwiched between the chassis and the tire.

5. Competition in extending interior space and devising innovative chassis technology has set off several rounds of MPV upgrade in the sector.

6. Chassis and electric drive system by BAIC at an expo in Beijing, part of its push to develop wholly owned brands.

7. It takes them about two minutes to finish searching the engine, the trunk and chassis for dangerous items.

8. Officials with the administration said the probe was instigated by accidents involving vehicles with both types of chassis.

9. The automotive chassis control system settled in Chengdu is the largest production base of its automotive technology department in China.

10. The hydraulic devices can be added to the chassis of all type of vehicles without changing their structures or engines.

chassis 英英释义


1. the skeleton of a motor vehicle consisting of a steel frame supported on springs that holds the body and motor

2. a metal mounting for the circuit components of an electronic device

3. alternative names for the body of a human being

    e.g. Leonardo studied the human body
           he has a strong physique
           the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

    Synonym: human bodyphysical bodymaterial bodysomabuildfigurephysiqueanatomyshapebodframeformflesh

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