
cheaper是什么意思 cheaper在线翻译 cheaper什么意思 cheaper的意思 cheaper的翻译 cheaper的解释 cheaper的发音 cheaper的同义词 cheaper的反义词

cheaper ['tʃi:pər]  ['tʃi:pər] 


cheaper 基本解释

廉价的( cheap的比较级 );低俗的;劣质的;收费低廉的;

cheaper 网络解释

1. 更便宜:16 A 逻辑推理词义比较 而Bob去找到了一个做起来更容易简便(easier)的办法,而不是更干净(cleaner),更便宜(cheaper),更困难的(harder)办法,即干脆不开门.

2. 便宜:胜者与失败者不同的地方在于前者能持续地提供更好(better)、更便宜(cheaper)、更快(faster)、更柔性(more agile)的产品和服务. 解决非结构化决策问题,可充分利用人工智能的研究成果特别是近年来发展起来的数据仓库(DW)、在线分析(OLAP)和数据挖掘(DM)技术.

3. 减少预算:If it's a movie about Attila the Hun, why are they filming in Canada?|既然是拍匈奴王阿提拉 干嘛去加拿大拍? | Cheaper.|减少预算, | And it's pretty much just open space.|而且那里一望无际

cheaper 单语例句

1. When US consumers think that buying cheaper Chinese products will cost them their jobs, they would rather buy more expensive items from other countries.

2. More often than not they will come after you or call you back to the stall with a cheaper price.

3. But for decades the technology did not go very far commercially because fossil fuel hydrocarbon was a far cheaper carbon source.

4. Yin said the deal comes at " a good time ", as many overseas oil and gas assets have become cheaper due to the financial crisis.

5. The discount stores will mainly sell food products 10 per cent cheaper than those at Carrefour chain stores.

6. The first weekend charter flights flew across the straits on July 4, carrying excited mainland tourists and Taiwan residents joyful at the shorter and cheaper journey.

7. The first weekend charter flights flew across the Taiwan Straits on July 4, carrying excited mainland tourists and Taiwan residents joyful at the shorter and cheaper journey.

8. The labels on these quilts claim that " excellent products " were used to make them, cheating migrant workers who can usually only afford cheaper goods.

9. There is also a cheaper option, which is roasted mutton chop cooked using a furnace burning wood from fruit trees.

10. Since the civil aviation industry was opened to private capital in 2005, private airlines have been trying hard to reduce their costs and offer cheaper tickets.

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