
check in是什么意思 check in在线翻译 check in什么意思 check in的意思 check in的翻译 check in的解释 check in的发音 check in的同义词

check in [tʃek in]  [tʃɛk ɪn] 

check in 基本解释

死去; 记录,登记签到; 归还经登记借出的东西; 把…留给其他人照看

check in 相关例句


1. The ticket agent checked in the passengers one by one.

2. He has just checked in at the hotel.

check in 情景对话


check in什么意思

A:Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?

B:Yes,it is. Please put your luggage on the scale.


A:You luggage is overweight. The free allowance for luggage is 20 kilos.

B:Oh, can I keep this little suitcase as hand-luggage?

check in是什么意思

A:Ok, in this way it’s just below the limit. Here’s your ticket and your boarding card.


B:All right. I will begin boarding soon.


A:Three twenty-five cent stamps, please.
      请给我三张25 分的邮票。


B:Here you are. Seventy-five cents, please.
      好的。请给我75 分。

A:And please send this letter by registered mail.


B:Is there anything valuable in it?

A:There’s a check for two hundred dollars and a photograph.
      里面有一张200 元的支票及一张照片。

B:Shall I make out a receipt?

A:No, don’t bother.

B:That will be ninety-five cents in all.
      那总共需要95 分。


A:We’re supposed to check in at the Air China’s counter 30 minutes before take-off, Joe.
      我们得在起飞前30 分钟到中国国际航空公司柜台前检票,乔(人名)。

B:Yes, I know. The boarding time on the ticket says 17:05, and now it’s 16:15. I guess we have plenty of time.
      我知道。机票上写的登机时间是17 点5 分,现在是16 点15 分。我看我们的时间还很充裕。

check in是什么意思

A:Do we need to show our ID cards when checking in?


B:Yes. It’s essential.

A:What about our luggage?

B:We can check it and hand carry the small bags. And we have to open each for inspection.

A:Are they going to frisk all the passengers?


B:I think so. We certainly don’t want a highjack to happen on the plane today.

check in 网络解释

1. 办理登机手续:首先,办理登机手续(Check In)和托运行李. 然后,拿着护照和登机牌过预检(不幸的是我被拦了下来:登山包超重、随身行李件数过多),忍痛割爱、继续前进. 进去后,先出境后安检(安检还要脱衣服,好麻烦啊). 最后,寻找登机口,找到后别急着进去,

2. 登记入住:白天草坪上有人晒日光浴,夜晚青年们聚在这里,举行篝火晚会. 到了旅社一问,固然有空位. 这时尚未到登记入住(check in)的时间,将行李先放在他们的贮物室内,就直奔火车站,这儿到海德堡车次很多,廿分钟就有一班,车行廿分钟就到了海德堡.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 签入:当你完成修改之后,需要将文档 签入(check in)VSS. 这个操作从你的工作文件夹(workingfolder)中复制被你修改的文档,并将它放回VSS数据库,以便其他用户能够及时看到文档的改动. VSS能够保存文档的所有改动,并显示最新版本,

check in 词典解释

1. (在旅馆)登记入住;(在门诊部)挂号
    When you check in or check into a hotel or clinic, or if someone checks you in, you arrive and go through the necessary procedures before you stay there.

    e.g. I'll ring the hotel. I'll tell them we'll check in tomorrow...
    e.g. He has checked into an alcohol treatment centre...

2. (在机场)办理登机手续,检票登机
    When you check in at an airport, you arrive and show your ticket before going on a flight.

check in是什么意思

    e.g. He had checked in at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport for a flight to Manchester.

check in 单语例句

1. While we were waiting at the hotel's reception to check in, we realized we had just missed the first buying spree.

2. Rhubarb is also high in calcium for the bones, and potassium to keep blood pressure in check and protect the heart.

3. Many employees'salaries are still distributed in fat envelopes of cash rather than by check or direct deposit.

4. CBT patients are also trained to keep their fears in check and to relativize.

5. Inspectors were able to check Natanz's pilot centrifuge plant which began enriching uranium in April, the diplomat said.

6. Helps to add all eggs on the pan in the same time, and we can check if eggs are " healthy looking ".

7. A Washington Post commentary openly suggested that the objective of Obama's trip was to check China's growing influence in that part of the world.

8. Wang said the bureau would discuss Wu's case and check on the bar in the following few days if necessary.

9. A carefully designed mechanism to break the monopoly of the communications department would check corruption, says a commentary in Yanzhao Metropolis News.

10. The hotel has installed WiFi in limousines, which allow guests to check emails and read news from the airport to the hotel.

check in 英英释义



1. announce one's arrival, e.g. at hotels or airports

    Synonym: sign in

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